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Dominik Wilkowski dominikwilkowski

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dominikwilkowski /
Created September 29, 2024 07:13
Toggle a HomeKit shortcut when the webcam is on

Toggle a HomeKit shortcut when the webcam is on

When working from home I have my desk and webcam pointing towards my door which means sometimes someone might enter my office just to find themself to be captured on camera unwittingly. To deal with this I added a light above the outside of my door. This light switches on when my webcam is on and off when it is off. This way people know if they are on camera or not.


This is how I did it:

dominikwilkowski /
Last active September 12, 2024 21:17

README Dominik Wilkowski

May this README inform you about working with Dominik Wilkowski and fostering the most productive collaboration.


My focus will always be the core business. I return to first principles and stay grounded to business realities. However, my bias is product, creating something that customers love and want to come back for.

dominikwilkowski /
Last active August 27, 2024 22:33
Generate a leaner SVG from QR-Code-generator

Generate a leaner SVG from QR-Code-generator

This is a quick function that can convert a QR code generated with the rust version of QR-Code-generator into a much smaller SVG than the to_svg_string function included in their example. The function is made generic so that you may use this function with other qr sources. All the function needs is a method to check coordinates if they contain a block box or not besides the size and border values.

So if you have the data for your QR code, all you need is to write a method as I did in the FakeQr struct for the tests.

The SVG optimizations:

  • Remove unneeded attributes, tags and whitespace
  • Use short form for hex colors
blank_lines_upper_bound = 2
max_width = 120
control_brace_style = "ClosingNextLine"
format_code_in_doc_comments = true
imports_layout = "HorizontalVertical"
match_block_trailing_comma = true
newline_style = "Unix"
report_fixme = "Always"
report_todo = "Unnumbered"
dominikwilkowski / .zprofile
Created November 24, 2021 00:57
My zsh dot file
source ~/.profile
# homebrew PATH
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
# subl command
export PATH="/Applications/Sublime$PATH"
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
dominikwilkowski / index.js
Created November 3, 2021 20:10
Monitor Apple in-store pickup
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import twilio from 'twilio';
const URL = '';
const ACCOUNTSID = 'XXX'; // TODO fill me
const AUTHTOKEN = 'XXX'; // TODO fill me
function alertMe({ storeName, storePickupQuote }) {
const client = new twilio(ACCOUNTSID, AUTHTOKEN);
dominikwilkowski / defaults.css
Last active September 8, 2024 11:36
A handy set of styles I find myself applying to all new projects
/*! Loosely derived from */
@import ('Import normalizer stylesheet here');
::selection {
text-shadow: none;
color: #fff;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1);
dominikwilkowski / Emoji.js
Last active July 22, 2021 00:23
Accessible emoji react/emotion component
import { keyframes } from '@emotion/react';
const fadeIn = keyframes`
from {
bottom: -0.5em;
opacity: 0;
to {
bottom: 100%;
opacity: 1;
dominikwilkowski /
Created September 5, 2020 02:57
ANSI codes for cli controled output

ANSI escape codes

ANSI escape codes can be printed to a shell to as instructions. The below is a list of codes I have used often in my CLI programs and I find myself looking up over and over again.

A great article about it can be found here.


dominikwilkowski /
Last active July 31, 2020 02:46
CSS Optimization

Case 1

This seems super easy and should be simple... (Famous last words)

<div class="a b"></div>
.a {