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Created November 26, 2018 22:39
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statement on event-stream compromise

Hey everyone - this is not just a one off thing, there are likely to be many other modules in your dependency trees that are now a burden to their authors. I didn't create this code for altruistic motivations, I created it for fun. I was learning, and learning is fun. I gave it away because it was easy to do so, and because sharing helps learning too. I think most of the small modules on npm were created for reasons like this. However, that was a long time ago. I've since moved on from this module and moved on from that thing too and in the process of moving on from that as well. I've written way better modules than this, the internet just hasn't fully caught up.


otherwise why would he hand over a popular package to a stranger?

If it's not fun anymore, you get literally nothing from maintaining a popular package.

One time, I was working as a dishwasher in a resturant, and I made the mistake of being too competent, and I got promoted to cook. This was only a 50 cents an hour pay rise, but massively more responsibility. It didn't really feel worth it. Writing a popular module like this is like that times a million, and the pay rise is zero.

I've shared publish rights with other people before. Of course, If I had realized they had a malicious intent I wouldn't have, but at the time it looked like someone who was actually trying to help me. Since the early days of node/npm, sharing commit access/publish rights, with other contributors was a widespread community practice. open source is driven by sharing! It's great! it worked really well before bitcoin got popular.

So right now, we are in a weird valley where you have a bunch of dependencies that are "maintained" by someone who's lost interest, or is even starting to burnout, and that they no longer use themselves. You can easily share the code, but no one wants to share the responsibility for maintaining that code. Like a module is like a piece of digital property, a right that can be transferred, but you don't get any benefit owning it, like being able to sell or rent it, however you still retain the responsibility.

I see two strong solutions to this problem...

  1. Pay the maintainers!! Only depend on modules that you know are definitely maintained!
  2. When you depend on something, you should take part in maintaining it.

Personally, I prefer the second, but the first probably has it's place. These arn't really mutually exclusive, anyway.

As to this particular issue, I have emailed npm support and suggested that they give the module to @FallingSnow and ar @XhmikosR

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Stargateur commented Nov 29, 2018


Life is full of responsibilities that we incur on ourselves and sometimes we have them thrust upon us without our consent. Think of it like this. If the OP was walking alone down the sidewalk and saw a toddler about to crawl onto a busy roadway, would it not be his moral responsibility as a human to stop the toddler from crawling onto the road? He did not ask for or want that responsibility, but I think any reasonable person would say he should be held responsible (as well as the irresponsible parent mind you) if he had the ability and opportunity to stop harm from coming to the child, yet chose not to do so. In the same manner, he created and offered this code freely online for anyone to use. He then chose to hand that code off to someone else. Whether or not he did any vetting of the guy or not, he chose that action.

Wrong, please, again, stop talk about what you know nothing, you have legal responsibility to help people if they are in immediate danger, you also have legal responsibility to take care of your child. A code is not a child stop this stupid comparaison, MIT licence explicitly say I don't take any responsibility what so ever. Stop impose your own vision of responsibility, law are fucking here for that.

He gave away the event-stream code, but decided to not do so for the 343 other modules, so he obviously realized abandoning them was a better option than giving them all away to a stranger.

Not at all, again, you understand nothing, he was asked by someone about this project, give it away and then decide to just throw away the other module, obviously he wanted to turn a page and not have to handle futur mail about people asking to maintain his past project. He just do it for this one because it was probably the first where someone trouble him with mail.

It's not that he made the bad decision, it's that he continues to defend himself without expressing remorse.

Again stop impose your moral to other people ! You are totally wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. Also, he didn't defend himself, he just say fact. We are not in a trial.

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yonjah commented Nov 30, 2018

Random people on the internet are getting angry because they trusted some random person on the internet who ended up trusting the wrong random person on the internet.

This sounds like a bad joke but this is how our industry operates.

The anger towards the original maintainer is not justifiable but we can certainly understand where its coming from.
Even a small project will use a few dozen dependencies even if you took the time to check each of those superficially on every update each of those dependencies has it's own dependencies and routinely check all the 3rd party code incorporated into our apps is not an option even for a big and well founded team (and don't forget the OS and other code your server is running to support your app).
So anyone affected is probably feeling defenseless and bruised from this situation and looking for someone to blame is just natural.

So instead of pointing fingers we should thing how as an industry we are going to solve this issue. collective security audits as suggested might be useful but are probably not enough. Validation of code is important but requires a lot of time and a rogue maintainer can easily out resource even the most highly founded audits. So the first step should be validating identity of lead maintainers and maybe even offering some training about basic security concepts specifically related to supply chain attacks so at least we know we can trust the lead maintainer and that he will be cautious about who he give publish permissions and the code he accepts from other contributors.

I don't think this is something the community can handle without the support of NPM and probably Node.js Foundation.
NPM at minimum should offer a way to identify verified packages (who's owners been verified) but should probably handle and fund the personal verification process.

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Well said, @dominictarr. This is not a problem with Node. This is not a problem with npm, this is not a problem with you. This is a problem with people being put in a state of responsibility for something they didn't ask to be put in a state of responsibility for.

You wrote code because you wanted to and gave it away free. Someone else decided to depend on that code, which in return got depended on by someone else, next thing you know you're little package is being used by 2/3rds of the internet.. And you're somehow required to give 100% SLA to people who use that code, because they decided to build a business that depends on that code and feel they aren't responsible for paying for it, because IT'S OPEN SOURCE!!!

I see your point, however, there is a problem when people are trying to help maintain some code and submit a pull request to the project, only to have it sit there and never get reviewed or merged, then what?

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KyleMit commented Nov 30, 2018

Lots of people here blaming @dominictarr as the proximate cause, but missing the larger picture. If a single bad actor can compromise the security of your entire system, it's not a well designed system. Databases with thousands of credit cards don't stay secure because all the employee simultaneously opt to be virtuous. It might be a heavy lift to rule out this class of attack, but it'll remain a viable attack vector if your solution is to just yell at npm authors

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acsteitz commented Dec 1, 2018

There are many people on here complaining about Dominic's "lack of remorse." Guessing that those people live somewhere that does not allow law suits on a whim. With the magnitude of this incident, if Dominic publically expresses remorse then you can bet someone will construe that as accepting legal responsibility and try to sue him. If you want more people to apologize when they mess up, do something about the courts that allow stupid law suits to proceed.

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our mortgage, car, insurance or food. The fact is this guy used his own free time and his repo exploded helping thousands of other developers not have to write something themselves. I don't agree with what happened but pets be real. This kind of response is bullshit. I hate reading this every time something like this happens. Take your honor and respect and throw it out in the trash. Most developers don't make shit tons of money.

I mean what I mean, just archive it is a much better way.

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gaybro8777 commented Dec 31, 2018

We hear and are with you buddy. (Edit.)

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Man what a terrible situation, I saw many open source maintainers asking for help on projects. No doubt.

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Welp, I have been getting emails for this thread for some time now and finally decided to unsubscribe, but got curious about what it was. I didn't even remember I posted on this and then found this reply:

Again stop impose your moral to other people ! You are totally wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. Also, he didn't defend himself, he just say fact. We are not in a trial.

@Stargateur The irony of this statement and the fact you totally missed it is hilarious. Telling me I am "totally wrong" and to "stop impos[ing]" my morals, while you are doing exactly that. I was posting my opinion and you're also allowed to have yours. But I hope you consider taking a different approach in the future.

Also, the point of making a comparison between two things like I did is to draw parallels that help concepts to be understood. I wasn't saying code is a child. The point was that sometimes we have social and civic responsibilities that we didn't ask for. The MIT license is great and all, but I wasn't talking about legal responsibility. Just because someone slaps an MIT license on some code and shares it online, doesn't mean they can put malware in it and not have consequences. I'm not saying he did that. Just making another comparison.

Not at all, again, you understand nothing

I don't understand most things, I'll give you that. But I like to think I understand some things pretty well. Like how to talk to random strangers on the internet. Maybe try being more respectful and compassionate to others? I'm not sure why you felt the need to respond to my comments in the way you did, but I genuinely hope you don't treat those you interact with in real life in this way.

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