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Created July 13, 2020 20:47
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Quick n' dirty Q learning implementation in JavaScript
const input = {
learningRate: 0.1,
discountFactor: 0.95,
initialQ: {},
moves: [
{ start: 's17', action: 'right', reward: 0, finish: 's18' },
{ start: 's18', action: 'up', reward: 10, finish: 's14' },
{ start: 's14', action: 'right', reward: -4, finish: 's15' },
{ start: 's23', action: 'up', reward: 0, finish: 's18' },
{ start: 's18', action: 'up', reward: 0, finish: 's13' },
{ start: 's13', action: 'right', reward: 10, finish: 's14' },
const Q = {};
input.moves.forEach(({ start, action, reward, finish }) => {
Q[start] = Q[start] || {};
Q[start][action] = Q[start][action] || 0;
Q[start][action] += input.learningRate * (reward - Q[start][action] + input.discountFactor * (Math.max(0, ...Object.values(Q[finish] || {}))))
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