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Last active July 24, 2017 21:50
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localstorage: ngrx 4 + prod
export function localStorageSyncWrapper(reducer: any) {
return localStorageSync({keys: ['filter', 'auth']}, reducer);
declarations: [
imports: [
StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, {metaReducers: [localStorageSyncWrapper]})
export class AppModule {
export function localStorageSync(config: LocalStorageConfig, reducer: any) {
if ( === undefined) { = localStorage || window.localStorage;
if (config.storageKeySerializer === undefined) {
config.storageKeySerializer = (key) => key;
const stateKeys = validateStateKeys(config.keys);
const rehydratedState = config.rehydrate ? rehydrateApplicationState(stateKeys,, config.storageKeySerializer) : undefined;
return function (state = rehydratedState, action: any) {
Handle case where state is rehydrated AND initial state is supplied.
Any additional state supplied will override rehydrated state for the given key.
if (action.type === INIT_ACTION && rehydratedState) {
state = Object.assign({}, state, rehydratedState);
const nextState = reducer(state, action);
syncStateUpdate(nextState, stateKeys,, config.storageKeySerializer, config.removeOnUndefined);
return nextState;
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