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Last active April 27, 2019 05:25
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emacs lisp sandbox. see if all characters in a string are unque
(defun are-any-chars-duplicated (char-array &optional top-char)
"Takes in a list of characters and returns true if there's a dupe char. returns false if all chars are unique"
(message "top char: %s and array is" top-char)
(princ char-array)
(cond ((null char-array) false)
((null top-char) (are-any-chars-duplicated (cdr char-array) (car char-array)))
((equal (length char-array) 1)
(message "1 comparing %s %s" top-char (car char-array))
(equal top-char (car char-array))
(message "2 comparing %s %s" top-char (car char-array))
(or (equal top-char (car char-array))
(or (are-any-chars-duplicated (cdr char-array) top-char)
(are-any-chars-duplicated (cdr char-array) (car char-array)))
(message "result %s" (are-any-chars-duplicated '("a" "b" "z" "z")))
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