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AWS Lambda Receive Email Forward Function
from __future__ import print_function
import boto3
import json
import os
import re
from email.parser import Parser
from datetime import datetime
import logging
## Thanks to:
# Dincer Kavraal -- dincer(AT)
Log = logging.getLogger()
FORWARD_ADDRESSES = ["[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"]
FROM_ADDRESS = "Sender <[email protected]>"
EMAIL_DOMAIN = "" # my aws receiver email domain
SPAMMER_DOMAINS = map(re.compile, [""])
SPAMMER_EMAILS = map(re.compile, ["[email protected]"])
RE_DOMAIN = re.compile("\@(.*)$")
def decode_email(msg_str):
p = Parser()
message = p.parsestr(msg_str)
decoded_message = ''
for part in message.walk():
charset = part.get_content_charset()
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
part_str = part.get_payload(decode=1)
decoded_message += part_str.decode(charset)
return decoded_message
def print_with_timestamp(*args):
print(datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), *args)
def lambda_handler(event, context):
print_with_timestamp('Starting - inbound-sns-spam-filter')
Log.debug(json.dumps(event, indent=4))
ses_notification = event['Records'][0]['Sns']
message_id = ses_notification['MessageId']
message = json.loads(ses_notification["Message"])
receipt = message['receipt']
sender = message['mail']['source']
subject = message['mail']['commonHeaders']['subject']
sender_domain = (RE_DOMAIN.findall(sender) or [""])[0]
print_with_timestamp('Processing message:', message_id)
# Check if any spam check failed
if (receipt['spfVerdict']['status'] == 'FAIL' or
receipt['dkimVerdict']['status'] == 'FAIL' or
receipt['spamVerdict']['status'] == 'FAIL' or
receipt['virusVerdict']['status'] == 'FAIL' or
all(map(lambda x:, SPAMMER_DOMAINS)) or
all(map(lambda x:, SPAMMER_EMAILS))):
send_bounce_params = {
'OriginalMessageId': message_id,
'BounceSender': 'mailer-daemon@{}'.format(EMAIL_DOMAIN),
'MessageDsn': {
'ReportingMta': 'dns; {}'.format(EMAIL_DOMAIN),
'BouncedRecipientInfoList': []
for recipient in receipt['recipients']:
'Recipient': recipient,
'BounceType': 'ContentRejected'
print_with_timestamp('Bouncing message with parameters:')
ses_client = boto3.client('ses')
bounceResponse = ses_client.send_bounce(**send_bounce_params)
print_with_timestamp('Bounce for message ', message_id, ' sent, bounce message ID: ', bounceResponse['MessageId'])
return {'disposition': 'stop_rule_set'}
except Exception as e:
print_with_timestamp('An error occurred while sending bounce for message: ', message_id)
raise e
print_with_timestamp('Accepting message:', message_id)
# now distribute to list:
action = receipt['action']
if (action['type'] != "S3"):
Log.exception("Mail body is not saved to S3. Or I have done sth wrong.")
return None
ses_client = boto3.client('ses')
s3_client = boto3.resource('s3')
mail_obj = s3_client.Object(action['bucketName'], action['objectKey'])
body = decode_email(mail_obj.get()["Body"].read())
response = ses_client.send_email(
'Subject': {
'Data': subject,
'Body': {
'Text': {
'Data': body,
'Html': {
'Data': body.replace("\n", "<br />"),
except Exception as e1:
print_with_timestamp('An error occurred while sending bounce for message: ', message_id)
raise e1
except Exception as e2:
print_with_timestamp('An error occurred while sending bounce for message: ', message_id)
raise e2
return None

Set up an IAM Role called (say) SNSEmailForwarder:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_S3_BUCKET/*"

Verify your email domain on AWS SES (you can't use sandboxed mail domain, so says AWS) :


Setup an SNS topic:

  1. Go to
  2. Create topic
  3. Topic Name: SNSForwardEmails

Setup a Lambda function: 0) Go to

  1. Create new lambda function
  2. Run time: Python 2.7
  3. Select blueprint > Blank Function
  4. Configure Triggers > Select "SNS" in the gray empty box on left of lambda logo-sign
  5. SNS topic: select the topic you have created above. (SNSForwardEmails)
  6. Enable Trigger: check the box
  7. Create the function
  8. Name: LambdaForwardEmails Runtime: Python 2.7 Code entry type: Edit code inline in the text area, copy-paste the whole file I shared here. Role: Choose an existing role Existing Role: the one you have created above. (SNSEmailForwarder)
  9. Next > Create Function

Setup SES:

  1. Go to
  2. Rule Sets (on the left menu)
  3. Create a Receipt Rule
  4. Rule Set Name: EmailForwardingRules
  5. OPTIONAL: enter your domain name without at sign such as: (Add Receipt)
  6. Next Step
  7. Add Action: S3
  8. S3 Bucket: (create sth) Emails Encrypt Message: (uncheck, I am not sure about the consequences of custom encryption) SNS Topic: SNSEmailForwarder (this is important)
  9. Create Rule

It seems ok. Test with a real email. (In the Lambda editor) The test scenario AWS provides cannot simulate an email message totally.

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pwnptl commented Dec 3, 2019

Hi I am stuck with an issue in sending a bounce. Just want to ask if my understanding is correct!
You have extracted SNS messageId here and used it in bounce parameters here.

But as I was reading here that message Id of bounce message is required. Which is provided by SES and obtained by using ses_notification['Message']['mail']['commonHeaders']['messageId']

Btw I am getting below error by using either of the messageId:
Client ErrorFailed to generate a bounce for <3d8f617b-bded-559c-b4bb-371bb2ffdbd5>: <3d8f617b-bded-559c-b4bb-371bb2ffdbd5> does not appear to be a valid original message ID.

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@pwnptl It is definitely the case that with the SNS notification version you need to get the id from a different field.

data = event['Records'][0]['Sns']
data = json.loads(data['Message'])
message_id = data['mail']['messageId']

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pwnptl commented Dec 3, 2019

@UnquietCode It could be the issue but data['mail']['messageId'] and ['mail']['commonHeaders']['messageId'] will always have same value.

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Hey, this works for me. Thank you so much! However, is there a way to change FROM_ADDRESS to whoever originally sent the email? I tried setting 'FROM_ADDRESS' to 'sender' and that was a fail.

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pwnptl commented Jul 5, 2020

@JustinMarotta13 Are you sending a Bounce or new email ?
Have you followed
Your BounceSender/Source parameter also referred here as '[email protected]' must be verified by Amazon SES first.

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JustinMarotta13 commented Jul 5, 2020 via email

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pwnptl commented Jul 5, 2020

Where and how are you storing the eml file? what is the content you are getting there ?
Are you trying to send a new email with someone else's behalf? send_email() api sends a new email. You cannot send a email using from_address which is not verified in your aws account.

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JustinMarotta13 commented Jul 5, 2020 via email

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JustinMarotta13 commented Jul 5, 2020 via email

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pwnptl commented Jul 5, 2020

Not sure about SES or Lambda but SNS can forward emails to different email address.

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JustinMarotta13 commented Jul 5, 2020 via email

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pwnptl commented Jul 5, 2020

currently you must be doing SES -> lambda.
you can do SES-> SNS ->lambda. This way you can forward emails in SNS level and do other stuff in lambda. I cannot find a way to forward using lambda and original sender.

One reason it should not exist in lambda level is that lambda can hamper the original email content/fields and sending such content using original sender email address is a security risk and impersonation. Correct me if my hypothesis wrong here.

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Makes total sense. Thanks so much for your help!

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