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Created November 29, 2017 15:28
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Concurrently transform a MongoDB cursor into a stream of bulk MongoDB updates.
// Concurrently transform a MongoDB cursor into a stream of bulk MongoDB updates.
// Usage:
// const users = db.collection('users');
// const usersToUpdate = users.find({ email: null });
// await eachAsyncUpdate(users, usersToUpdate, async function(user) {
// const userEmail = await findUserEmail(user);
// return {
// find: { _id: user._id },
// updateOne: { $set: { email: userEmail } }
// };
// });
const highland = require('highland');
async function eachAsyncUpdate(collection, query, updateFn) {
await highland(query)
async function bulkUpdateBatch(operations) {
const bulk = collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
for (const operation of operations) {
await bulk.execute();
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