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Forked from pjdietz/cloudSettings
Created February 9, 2017 07:08
Testing Protected Method of Abstract Class with PHPUnit
namespace Minitest;
abstract class AbstractFoo
protected function bar()
return $this->baz();
abstract protected function baz();
class FooTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testCallProtectedMethodOfAbstractClass()
// Create a mock for the abstract class.
$foo = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Minitest\AbstractFoo');
// Provide the behavior for abstract methods.
->will($this->returnValue("You called baz!"));
// Define a closure that will call the protected method using "this".
$barCaller = function () {
return $this->bar();
// Bind the closure to $foo's scope.
$bound = $barCaller->bindTo($foo, $foo);
// $bound is now a Closure, and calling it is like asking $foo to call
// $this->bar(); and return the results.
// Make a assertion.
$this->assertEquals("You called baz!", $bound());
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