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Created April 7, 2015 04:43
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Run codeception test with gulp and automatically open report when test fails
var gulp = require('gulp');
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var codecept = require('gulp-codeception');
var changed = require('gulp-changed');
var open = require('gulp-open');
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
var debug = require('gulp-debug');
var _ = require('lodash');
gulp.task('runtest', function() {
var options = testCodeceptOptions('functional', 'userApiCest');
.pipe(codecept('./vendor/bin/codecept', options))
.on('error', function(files) {
notify.onError(testNotification('fail', 'codeception'));'autoOpenReport');
.pipe(notify(testNotification('pass', 'codeception')));
function testCodeceptOptions(suite, flags) {
var flags = flags || '';
var options = {
debug: false,
clear: true,
testSuite: suite,
notify: true,
flags: "--colors " + flags
return options;
function testNotification(status, pluginName, override) {
var options = {
sound: false,
title: (status == 'pass') ? 'Tests Passed' : 'Tests Failed',
message: (status == 'pass') ? '\n\nAll tests have passed!\n\n' : '\n\nOne or more tests failed...\n\n',
icon: __dirname + '/node_modules/gulp-' + pluginName + '/assets/test-' + status + '.png'
options = _.merge(options, override);
return options;
gulp.task('buildCompare', function(){
.pipe(debug({title: 'buildCompare: '}))
gulp.task('autoOpenReport', function(){
// .pipe(changed('tests/_output/html', {hasChanged: changed.compareLastModifiedTime}))
.pipe(debug({title: 'autoOpenReport'}))
gulp.task('watch', function () {['tests/**/*.php', 'app/**/*.php'], ['runtest']);
gulp.task('default', ['buildCompare', 'runtest', 'watch']);
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