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Last active October 1, 2023 08:12
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Camera Shake Effect. Just put in on the camera and call Shake()
using UnityEngine;
namespace DitzeGames.Effects
/// <summary>
/// Camera Effects
/// </summary>
public class CameraEffects : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Amount of Shake
/// </summary>
public Vector3 Amount = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Duration of Shake
/// </summary>
public float Duration = 1;
/// <summary>
/// Shake Speed
/// </summary>
public float Speed = 10;
/// <summary>
/// Amount over Lifetime [0,1]
/// </summary>
public AnimationCurve Curve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0, 1, 1, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Set it to true: The camera position is set in reference to the old position of the camera
/// Set it to false: The camera position is set in absolute values or is fixed to an object
/// </summary>
public bool DeltaMovement = true;
protected Camera Camera;
protected float time = 0;
protected Vector3 lastPos;
protected Vector3 nextPos;
protected float lastFoV;
protected float nextFoV;
protected bool destroyAfterPlay;
/// <summary>
/// awake
/// </summary>
private void Awake()
Camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
/// <summary>
/// Do the shake
/// </summary>
public static void ShakeOnce(float duration = 1f, float speed = 10f, Vector3? amount = null, Camera camera = null, bool deltaMovement = true, AnimationCurve curve = null)
//set data
var instance = ((camera != null) ? camera : Camera.main).gameObject.AddComponent<CameraEffects>();
instance.Duration = duration;
instance.Speed = speed;
if (amount != null)
instance.Amount = (Vector3)amount;
if (curve != null)
instance.Curve = curve;
instance.DeltaMovement = deltaMovement;
//one time
instance.destroyAfterPlay = true;
/// <summary>
/// Do the shake
/// </summary>
public void Shake()
time = Duration;
private void LateUpdate()
if (time > 0)
//do something
time -= Time.deltaTime;
if (time > 0)
//next position based on perlin noise
nextPos = (Mathf.PerlinNoise(time * Speed, time * Speed * 2) - 0.5f) * Amount.x * transform.right * Curve.Evaluate(1f - time / Duration) +
(Mathf.PerlinNoise(time * Speed * 2, time * Speed) - 0.5f) * Amount.y * transform.up * Curve.Evaluate(1f - time / Duration);
nextFoV = (Mathf.PerlinNoise(time * Speed * 2, time * Speed * 2) - 0.5f) * Amount.z * Curve.Evaluate(1f - time / Duration);
Camera.fieldOfView += (nextFoV - lastFoV);
Camera.transform.Translate(DeltaMovement ? (nextPos - lastPos) : nextPos);
lastPos = nextPos;
lastFoV = nextFoV;
//last frame
if (destroyAfterPlay)
private void ResetCam()
//reset the last delta
Camera.transform.Translate(DeltaMovement ? -lastPos :;
Camera.fieldOfView -= lastFoV;
//clear values
lastPos = nextPos =;
lastFoV = nextFoV = 0f;
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ibra commented Apr 9, 2020

Amazing! Needed to modify a lot, for my personal use though, but may be fine for you!

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ditzel commented Aug 12, 2020

It should give you an idea

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ibra commented Aug 12, 2020

Yeah, it did. Thanks so much for that, and just teaching me this much about gamedev in general,

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