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Last active April 6, 2023 16:10
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OVH Terraform to Pulumi

Steps to success!

Step 1

Install tf2pulumi (e.g: brew install pulumi/tap/tf2pulumi or download the binary at

Step 2

Install the Pulumi CLI if not present on your client.

Step 2.1

Install the OVH plugin with following command:

plugin install resource ovh v0.29.0 --server github://

Step 3

Create a Pulumi project in the same directory as the Terraform project you'd like to import and create a new Pulumi stack in your favourite language (here used go)

 pulumi new go -f

My demo is this:

variable "service_name" {
  type = string
  default = "test"

resource "ovh_cloud_project_kube" "example_cluster" {
  service_name = var.service_name
  name         = "example-cluster"
  region       = "GRA7"

resource "ovh_cloud_project_kube_nodepool" "example_nodepool" {
  service_name = var.service_name
  kube_id      =
  name         = "example-nodepool"
  flavor_name  = "b2-7"
  desired_nodes = 1
  max_nodes     = 2
  min_nodes     = 0

Step 4

Then run tf2pulumi which will write a file in the directory that contains the Pulumi project you just created:

tf2pulumi --target-language go

This will create the Pulumi program for you:

package main

import (

func main() {
	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
		cfg := config.New(ctx, "")
		serviceName := "test"
		if param := cfg.Get("serviceName"); param != "" {
			serviceName = param
		exampleCluster, err := CloudProject.NewKube(ctx, "exampleCluster", &CloudProject.KubeArgs{
			ServiceName: pulumi.String(serviceName),
			Name:        pulumi.String("example-cluster"),
			Region:      pulumi.String("GRA7"),
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = CloudProject.NewKubeNodePool(ctx, "exampleNodepool", &CloudProject.KubeNodePoolArgs{
			ServiceName:  pulumi.String(serviceName),
			KubeId:       exampleCluster.ID(),
			Name:         pulumi.String("example-nodepool"),
			FlavorName:   pulumi.String("b2-7"),
			DesiredNodes: pulumi.Int(1),
			MaxNodes:     pulumi.Int(2),
			MinNodes:     pulumi.Int(0),
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

Step 5

Party! 🎉

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