docker run --rm guacamole/guacamole /opt/guacamole/bin/ --postgresql > initdb.sql
docker compose up -d postgres
docker logs -f guacamole-postgres
# Wait for the database to be ready
# You should see the following message: "database system is ready to accept connections" or something similar
docker exec -i guacamole-postgres psql -U guacamole_user -d guacamole_db < initdb.sql
docker compose up -d
In this example the guacamole client is exposed on port 4880 just for (localhost) because the guacamole-client is exposed to the public internet with nginx.
For an example of how setup nginx to expose the guacamole client see the file nginx.guacamole.conf
in this repository.
The easy way to setup SSL/TLS is to use certbot with nginx.