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Created February 16, 2015 14:28
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Using PowerShell to Convert From JSON to CSV format
function ConvertFrom-JsonToCsv {
Process {
($json | ConvertFrom-Json) | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
'[{"Column 1": "1-1","Column 2": "1-2","Column 3": "1-3","Column 4": "1-4"},{"Column 1": "2-1","Column 2": "2-2","Column 3": "2-3","Column 4": "2-4"},{"Column 1": "3-1","Column 2": "3-2","Column 3": "3-3","Column 4": "3-4"},{"Column 1": 4,"Column 2": 5,"Column 3": 6,"Column 4": 7}]' |
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jonadv commented Sep 22, 2020

Could you help me how to run this script in Powershell ISE?
I've come to the following steps but keep getting errors

  1. Stored the above script in location C:\Users\Bob\PowerShellTest\ConvertFrom-JsonToCsv.ps1
  2. Stored a file in the same location named MyTest.json
  3. Open powershell
  4. Type + enter: cd C:\Users\Bob\PowerShellTest
  5. Type + enter: .\ConvertFrom-JsonToCsv.ps1 .\MyTest.json

How should I call the file as an argument?

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This is not a script but a Powershell function. In a script you would source that file and the ncall the function as in the example on line 12

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