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Last active September 22, 2016 22:33
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Repro of IndexedDB bug in Safari10 (webkit bug #158833)

IndexedDB Safari10 bug (webkit bugzilla #158833)

IDBIndex is unreliable on Safari 10

Basically, if you have objectStores 'students' with an index 'name' and 'schools' with an index 'city', and you query the 'name' index on 'students' with no range specified (or WITH a range - it doesnt matter), you will get a cursor that iterates a mix of student names and cities. Each onsuccess callback from the cursor will have a key that sometimes is a student name and sometimes a city. The value though is always a student and some students are shown multiple times - one time with the name key and another time with a city key.

Bugzilla URL

const log = txt => document.writeln(`${txt}<br/>`);
log("Deleting db");
indexedDB.deleteDatabase("db").onsuccess = ()=> {
log("db deleted");
let req ="db", 1);
req.onupgradeneeded = e => {
log ("Creating db");
let db = req.transaction.db;
let schools = db.createObjectStore('schools', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true });
schools.createIndex ('city', 'city');
schools.add({name: 'Stockholm University', city: 'Stockholm'});
schools.add({name: 'Uppsala University', city: 'Uppsala'});
schools.add({name: 'Chalmers', city: 'Gothenburg'});
let students = db.createObjectStore('students', { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true });
students.createIndex ('name', 'name');
students.add({name: 'Adam Anderson'});
students.add({name: 'Bertil Bengtson'});
req.onsuccess = ()=> {
let db = req.result;
let tx = db.transaction(['schools', 'students'], 'readonly');
dump(tx.objectStore('schools'), ()=> {
dump(tx.objectStore('schools').index('city'), ()=> {
dump(tx.objectStore('students'), ()=>{
dump(tx.objectStore('students').index('name'), ()=>{
function dump (idx, done) {
log (idx instanceof IDBObjectStore ?
`Enumerating ObjectStore '${}' by primary key` :
`Enumerating index '${}' on '${}'`);
idx.openCursor().onsuccess = e => {
let cursor =;
if (cursor) {
log(`key: ${cursor.key}, primaryKey: ${cursor.primaryKey}, value: ${JSON.stringify(cursor.value)}`);
} else {
db deleted
Creating db
Enumerating ObjectStore 'schools' by primary key
key: 1, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Stockholm University","city":"Stockholm","id":1}
key: 2, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Uppsala University","city":"Uppsala","id":2}
key: 3, primaryKey: 3, value: {"name":"Chalmers","city":"Gothenburg","id":3}
Enumerating index 'city' on 'schools'
key: Gothenburg, primaryKey: 3, value: {"name":"Chalmers","city":"Gothenburg","id":3}
key: Stockholm, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Stockholm University","city":"Stockholm","id":1}
key: Uppsala, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Uppsala University","city":"Uppsala","id":2}
Enumerating ObjectStore 'students' by primary key
key: 1, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Adam Anderson","id":1}
key: 2, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Bertil Bengtson","id":2}
Enumerating index 'name' on 'students'
key: Adam Anderson, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Adam Anderson","id":1}
key: Bertil Bengtson, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Bertil Bengtson","id":2}
db deleted
Creating db
Enumerating ObjectStore 'schools' by primary key
key: 1, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Stockholm University","city":"Stockholm","id":1}
key: 2, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Uppsala University","city":"Uppsala","id":2}
key: 3, primaryKey: 3, value: {"name":"Chalmers","city":"Gothenburg","id":3}
Enumerating index 'city' on 'schools'
key: Adam Anderson, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Stockholm University","city":"Stockholm","id":1}
key: Bertil Bengtson, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Uppsala University","city":"Uppsala","id":2}
key: Gothenburg, primaryKey: 3, value: {"name":"Chalmers","city":"Gothenburg","id":3}
key: Stockholm, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Stockholm University","city":"Stockholm","id":1}
key: Uppsala, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Uppsala University","city":"Uppsala","id":2}
Enumerating ObjectStore 'students' by primary key
key: 1, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Adam Anderson","id":1}
key: 2, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Bertil Bengtson","id":2}
Enumerating index 'name' on 'students'
key: Adam Anderson, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Adam Anderson","id":1}
key: Bertil Bengtson, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Bertil Bengtson","id":2}
key: Stockholm, primaryKey: 1, value: {"name":"Adam Anderson","id":1}
key: Uppsala, primaryKey: 2, value: {"name":"Bertil Bengtson","id":2}
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Tested with Safari 10.0 (12602.1.38.2) on

As you can see, on Safari 10, IDBIndex.openCursor() will iterate the mix of keys in the index itself and other indexes on other stores.

The diff's first unexpected output is at line 8, where a city was expected, but it is iterating a key from another store.

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@beidson @bradeeoh Please have a look at this issue with Safari 10 and its IndexedDB support.

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Update : bug was fixed today by Bradley Eidson at Apple. Thanks! :-)

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