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Forked from mutantmell/network.nix
Created October 16, 2024 01:43
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NixOS Router data-driven configuration
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
# There were two main sources of inspiration for this configuration:
# 1.
# 2.
# Thank you very much!
# network types:
# { type = "none"; } # Don't generate a network file
# { type = "disabled"; } # Has a network file, but with everything disabled
# { type = "routed"; ipv4 = "..."; ipv6 = "..."; trust = trust-status } # a network that we provide routing for
# { type = "dhcp"; trust = trust-status; } # a network where we get a dhcp address assigned -- we don't route this
# trust-status = management | external | trusted | untrusted | lockdown | local-access | dmz
topology = {
wan = {
device = "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:11";
network = { type = "disabled"; };
required = true;
vlans = {
"wanISP" = { # pppd doesn't seem to like it when this name has a '.'
tag = 201;
network = { type = "disabled"; };
pppoe = {
"pppisp" = {
user = "username"; # needs to be accompanied by a file at "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets"
network = { type = "dhcp"; trust = "external"; };
lan = {
device = "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:22";
network = { type = "disabled"; };
required = true;
vlans = {
"vMGMT.lan" = {
tag = 10;
network = { type = "routed"; ipv4 = ""; trust = "management"; };
"vHOME.lan" = {
tag = 20;
network = { type = "routed"; ipv4 = ""; trust = "trusted"; };
opt1 = {
device = "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:33";
network = { type = "disabled"; };
required = true;
mtu = "1536";
batmanDevice = "bat0";
bat0 = {
batman = {
gatewayMode = "off";
routingAlgorithm = "batman-v";
network = { type = "disabled"; };
required = true;
vlans = {
"vMGMT.bat0" = {
tag = 1010;
network = { type = "routed"; ipv4 = ""; trust = "management"; };
mtu = "1536";
"vHOME.bat0" = {
tag = 1020;
network = { type = "routed"; ipv4 = ""; trust = "trusted"; };
mtu = "1536";
"vGUEST.bat0" = {
tag = 1030;
network = { type = "routed"; ipv4 = ""; dns = "cloudflare"; trust = "untrusted"; };
mtu = "1536";
opt2 = {
device = "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:44";
network = { type = "dhcp"; trust = "local-access"; };
required = false;
flatMapAttrsToList = f: v: lib.lists.flatten (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList f v);
attrKeys = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: ignored: name);
interfacesWhere = pred: let
fromTopo = name: { network, vlans ? {}, pppoe ? {}, ... }: (if pred network then [name] else []) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo vlans) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo pppoe);
in flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo topology;
interfacesWithTrust = tr: interfacesWhere ({ trust ? null, ... }: trust == tr);
interfaces = interfacesWhere (nw: nw.type != "disabled");
interfacesOfType = ty: interfacesWhere (nw: nw.type == ty);
routedInterfaces = interfacesOfType "routed";
pppoeNames = let
fromTopo = name: { network, vlans ? {}, pppoe ? {}, ... }: (attrKeys pppoe) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo vlans);
in flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo topology;
# should eventually return a list of ipv4 and a list of ipv6
addrsWhere = pred: let
trustedAddr = nw: if nw.type == "routed" && (pred nw) then [nw.ipv4] else [];
fromTopo = name: { network, vlans ? {}, pppoe ? {}, ... }: (trustedAddr network) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo vlans) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo pppoe);
in flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo topology;
addrsWithTrust = trust: addrsWhere (nw: == trust);
routedAddrs = addrsWhere (nw: true);
addrFirstN = n: addr: lib.strings.concatStringsSep "." (lib.lists.take n (lib.strings.splitString "." addr));
toAttrSet = f: v:
builtins.listToAttrs (flatMapAttrsToList f v);
in {
boot.kernel.sysctl = let
externals = interfacesWithTrust "external";
in {
"net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding" = true;
"net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = true;
# source:
"net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra" = 0;
"net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf" = 0;
"net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr" = 0;
} // (lib.lists.foldr (wan: acc: {
"net.ipv6.conf.${wan}.accept_ra" = 2;
"net.ipv6.conf.${wan}.autoconf" = 1;
} // acc) {} externals);
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
networking = {
useDHCP = false;
useNetworkd = true;
firewall.enable = false;
}; = {
links = let
fromDevices = name: {
device ? null,
mtu ? null,
if device == null then [] else [{
name = "00-${name}";
value = {
matchConfig = {
MACAddress = device;
Type = "ether";
linkConfig = {
Name = name;
} // (
if mtu == null then {} else { MTUBytes = mtu; }
in toAttrSet fromDevices topology;
netdevs = let
fromVlan = name: {
}: {
name = "01-${name}";
value = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "vlan";
vlanConfig = {
Id = tag;
fromDevices = name: {
vlans ? {},
batman ? null,
}: (if batman == null then [] else [{
name = "00-${name}";
value = {
netdevConfig = {
Name = name;
Kind = "batadv";
batmanAdvancedConfig = {
GatewayMode = batman.gatewayMode;
RoutingAlgorithm = batman.routingAlgorithm;
}]) ++ (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList fromVlan vlans);
in toAttrSet fromDevices topology;
networks = let
mkNetworkConfig = {
trust ? null,
ipv4 ? null,
if type == "routed" then {
Address = ipv4;
MulticastDNS = (trust == "trusted" || trust == "management");
} else if type == "dhcp" then {
DHCP = "ipv4";
} else if type == "disabled" then {
DHCP = "no";
DHCPServer = false;
LinkLocalAddressing = "no";
LLMNR = false;
MulticastDNS = false;
LLDP = false;
EmitLLDP = false;
IPv6AcceptRA = false;
IPv6SendRA = false;
} else {}; # "none"
mkLinkConfig = mtu: required:
if mtu == null then {} else { MTUBytes = mtu; }
) // (
if required then {} else { RequiredForOnline = false; }
fromVlan = name: {
mtu ? null,
required ? true,
name = "20-${name}";
value = {
matchConfig = { Name = name; };
networkConfig = mkNetworkConfig network;
linkConfig = mkLinkConfig mtu required;
fromDevice = name: {
vlans ? {},
batmanDevice ? null,
mtu ? null,
}: [{
name = "10-${name}";
value = {
matchConfig = {
Name = name;
vlan = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: vlan: name) vlans;
networkConfig = (mkNetworkConfig network) // (
if batmanDevice == null then {} else { BatmanAdvanced = batmanDevice; }
linkConfig = mkLinkConfig mtu required;
}] ++ (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList fromVlan vlans);
in toAttrSet fromDevice topology;
services.resolved = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = let
format = addr: "DNSStubListenerExtra=" + (addrFirstN 3 addr) + ".1";
dnsExtras = format routedAddrs;
in ''
${lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" dnsExtras}
services.dhcpd4 = {
enable = true;
interfaces = routedInterfaces;
extraConfig = let
preamble = ''
option domain-name "local";
option subnet-mask;
toAddress24 = addrFirstN 3;
mkV4Subnet = { address24, iface, dns }: let
domainNameServers =
if dns == "cloudflare" then ","
else if dns == "self" then "${address24}.1"
else abort "invalid dns type: ${dns}";
in ''
subnet ${address24}.0 netmask {
option broadcast-address ${address24}.255;
option routers ${address24}.1;
option domain-name-servers ${domainNameServers};
interface "${iface}";
range ${address24}.100 ${address24}.200;
subnetConfs = let
mkConf = name: { type, ipv4 ? "", dns ? "self", ...}: if type == "routed" then [(mkV4Subnet { address24 = toAddress24 ipv4; iface = name; dns = dns; })] else [];
fromTopo = name: { network, vlans ? {}, pppoe ? {}, ... }: (mkConf name network) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo vlans) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo pppoe);
in flatMapAttrsToList fromTopo topology;
in lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n\n" ([preamble] ++ subnetConfs);
services.pppd = {
enable = true;
peers = let
mkConfig = parentDev: pppName: user: ''
plugin ${parentDev}
user "${user}"
# Settings sourced from
# Connection settings.
maxfail 0
holdoff 5
# LCP settings.
lcp-echo-interval 10
lcp-echo-failure 3
# PPPoE compliant settings.
mtu 1492
# IP settings.
# Linux only
ifname ${pppName}
fromPppoe = dev: name: pppoe:
name = name;
value = {
enable = true;
config = (mkConfig dev name pppoe.user);
fromTopology = name: { vlans ? {}, pppoe ? {}, ...}:
(flatMapAttrsToList (fromPppoe name) pppoe) ++ (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopology vlans);
in builtins.listToAttrs (flatMapAttrsToList fromTopology topology);
networking.nftables = let
external = interfacesWithTrust "external";
trusted = (interfacesWithTrust "trusted") ++ (interfacesWithTrust "management");
untrusted = (interfacesWithTrust "untrusted") ++ (interfacesWithTrust "dmz");
local-access = interfacesWithTrust "local-access";
lockdown = interfacesWithTrust "lockdown";
all-wan-access = trusted ++ untrusted;
all-internal = all-wan-access ++ lockdown;
quoted = dev: "\"" + dev + "\"";
ruleFormat = devices: (lib.strings.concatStringsSep ", " ( quoted devices)) + ",";
in {
enable = true;
ruleset = ''
table inet filter {
chain output {
type filter hook output priority 100; policy accept;
chain input {
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
# Allow trusted networks to access the router
iifname {
${ruleFormat (trusted ++ local-access ++ ["lo"])}
} counter accept
# allow untrusted access to DNS and DHCP
iifname {
${ruleFormat untrusted}
} tcp dport { 53 } counter accept
iifname {
${ruleFormat untrusted}
} udp dport { 53, 67 } counter accept
# Allow returning traffic from external and drop everthing else
iifname {
${ruleFormat external}
} ct state { established, related } counter accept
iifname {
${ruleFormat external}
} drop
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu
# Allow internal networks WAN access
iifname {
${ruleFormat all-wan-access}
} oifname {
${ruleFormat external}
} counter accept comment "Allow trusted internal to WAN"
# Allow trusted internal to all internal
iifname {
${ruleFormat trusted}
} oifname {
${ruleFormat all-internal}
} counter accept comment "Allow trusted internal to all internal"
# Allow established connections to return
ct state established,related counter accept comment "Allow established to all internal"
table ip nat {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook output priority filter; policy accept;
# Setup NAT masquerading on the wan interface
chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority filter; policy accept;
oifname {
${ruleFormat external}
} masquerade
}; = (pppoeName: "pppd-${pppoeName}.service") pppoeNames;
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