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Created June 19, 2016 20:45
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def receive_packet(self, addresses=None, timeout=0.5):
Returns the first matching (candidate, packet) tuple from incoming UDP packets.
ADDRESSES must be None or a list of address tuples. When it is a list of addresses, only
UDP packets from ADDRESSES will be returned.
assert addresses is None or isinstance(addresses, list)
assert addresses is None or all(isinstance(address, tuple) for address in addresses)
assert isinstance(timeout, (int, float)), type(timeout)
timeout = time() + timeout
while timeout > time():
packets = self._dispersy.endpoint.clear_receive_queue()
if packets:
return_list = []
for address, packet in packets:
if not (addresses is None or address in addresses or (address[0] == "" and ("", address[1]) in addresses)):
self._logger.debug("Ignored %d bytes from %s:%d", len(packet), address[0], address[1])
if packet.startswith("ffffffff".decode("HEX")):
tunnel = True
packet = packet[4:]
tunnel = False
candidate = Candidate(address, tunnel)
self._logger.debug("%d bytes from %s", len(packet), candidate)
return_list.append((candidate, packet))
yield deferLater(reactor, 0.001, lambda: None)
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