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Created August 22, 2023 16:22
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  • Save devinrhode2/c0545b8715072cb7a7908b125cb4e65c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devinrhode2/c0545b8715072cb7a7908b125cb4e65c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
used to monkey patch a `fetch` call inside some javascript framework.
// used to monkey patch a `fetch` call inside some javascript framework.
const serverFnFetch: typeof fetch = function (input, init) {
const isRequest = input instanceof Request;
const currentUrlObj = new URL(
isRequest ? input.url : input,
const currentUrlWithoutOrigin = currentUrlObj
.replace(currentUrlObj.origin, '');
const newUrl = new URL(
// `process.env` doesn't work here, env var MUST be prefixed with `VITE_`
if (!isRequest) {
return fetch(newUrl, init);
// Copied from
const init2 = {};
for (const property in input) {
// @ts-expect-error - ugh w/e
init2[property] = input[property];
// @ts-expect-error - ugh w/e
init2.duplex = 'half' as const;
console.log('init2', init2);
const init1 = {
body: input.body,
cache: input.cache,
credentials: input.credentials,
headers: input.headers,
integrity: input.integrity,
keepalive: input.keepalive,
method: input.method,
mode: input.mode,
redirect: input.redirect,
referrer: input.referrer,
referrerPolicy: input.referrerPolicy,
signal: input.signal,
// duplex: 'half' as const,
console.log('init1', init1);
'call fetch with init2',
fetch(new Request(newUrl, init2), init2),
console.log('call fetch with init1..');
console.log('1. create Request');
let r = new Request(newUrl, init1);
console.log('2. call fetch with Request');
let p = fetch(r, init);
console.log('3. return promise');
return p;
globalThis.FrameworksServerFnFetch = serverFnFetch;
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