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Forked from occ/shieldjs
Last active December 11, 2015 10:39
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Save devinrhode2/4588600 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/*! Shield.js v0.0.1 - Stack traces and moar - MIT licensed - */
// Let's var the library namespace, so you can keep the library to a certain scope, (and also use multiple versions)
// If any issues arise complaining that Shield is undefined (not on the global object) then we can address that when it arises
* exceptionalException
* You know, for something that should really never occur
var exceptionalException = function exceptionalExceptionF(message) {
'use strict';
alert('HOLY MOLY! Please email this error to [email protected]: \n\nSubject:Error\n' + message);
var Shield = (function shieldWrapper() { // I would be ok with omitting we didn't have "shieldWrapper" here
'use strict';
* Small case `shield` gets returned and assigned to `Shield`
* Public functions should be attached to this object
* Comment blocks like this for multi-line comments
var shield = {};
//could also call this shieldApi
* Headers like this
// Private variables
var alphabetically,
// Purely internal functions
var doSomething = function doSomethingFn() {
* Function names are good! But IE chokes when the name is the same as the identifier
* Therefore, we should always add "Fn" to avoid IE errors
* In general I've realized this is the best practice and lends itself to great stack traces
// Semi-internal functions should still be exposed for flexibility:
shield.normalize = function ShieldNormalizeFn(callback) {
* Function names for methods
* methods on an object should simply be the object name + method name camel-cased
* Note: Shield is capitalized because it get's assigned to `Shield`,
* otherwise "shieldNormalizeFn" would be a more consistent convention
* Also, if you guys wanted we could omit "Fn" in these situations, but I think that's a more complex convention to try and stick too
if (callback == null) {
// do synchronous normalization
} else {
// Do async things like remote fetching, etc
stack: Array,
url: location.href
}; = function ShieldReportFn(Error || Object || String) {
//If object or string AND it has no stack property, add one by doing .stack = (new Error('force-added stack')).stack
//send to subscribers
//if no subscribers.. then throw an error or alert?
//If we were to throw in this situation, I would call that an exceptionalException, and call that function above
return shield;
// I don't know why we need a user to initialize with `new`,
var s = new Shield({options: 'foo', url: 'bar'});
// ..So instead let's setup options like:
Shield.options = {
options: 'stuff'
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