APIs x creativity x Twitter => awesomeness!
The Rise of Twitter Bots – The New Yorker
[…] has been tweeting consecutive numbers in word form every two minutes since April 2009.
Twittered every word in the English language. Task began in 2007 and completed in 2014.
Fuck every word in the English language. Task will complete in 2020.
Tweets as many "BONG" as clock strikes whenever the Big Ben starts striking again.
Comedy is when you take two headlines about different things and then confuse them. Updates hourly.
I am a bot. Start a tweet with @letkanyefinish, and I will finish it. Kanye style.
[…] tweets in the persona of Joseph McCarthy in response to Twitter posts mentioning "socialist," "communist," or "communism."
Spoils films and TV shows whenever people tweet that they will be watching them.
Tweets "WHAT?! NINE THOUSAND?!" whenever someone mentions "over 9000".
See @RealHumanPraise for Fox News.
What if dinosaurs lived on exoplanets?! New exosaurs on the hour, named for random followers.
Tweets astro-erotica whenever @exosaurs tweets something.
Fake Bloomberg News Headlines Based on Real Bloomberg News Headlines. Links point to the real news.
[…] she emerged as a sassy, emotionally erratic, politically incorrect teenage girl. […] Dubbin doubled down and threw other teenspeak into the program like "literally", "100%", "totally", "absolutely", "in fact", and "ridiculously". The resulting bot has produced brilliance, wisdom, hilarity, offense and utter nonsense.
I am a bot. I generate mostly nonsensical horoscopes, which are as accurate as all the other ones you've seen.
I am a bot that generates lifehackish tweets.
[…] a feed that's programmed to mash together reports on company stock earnings and losses.
– 15 Novelty Twitter Accounts That Will Make Your Day
I am a bot that generates lifehackish tweets.
Any Twitter users claiming something is "madness" will get a famous response from the spambot version of 300's King Leonidas.
– Don't Block These 10 Hilarious Twitter Bots
Answers "MADNESS...? This is SPARTA!".
Absurd charts, twice daily. You get one flow chart and one Venn diagram.
Combines "Startup idea: " with a Marx quote.
Generates random metaphors.
I alert twitter users that they typed "sneak peak" when they meant "sneak peek".
I am a moose. I am made of chocolate.
Alerts twitter users that they typed "chocolate moose" when they meant "chocolate mousse".
Randomly generates maps with fanatasy-book-like names.
Computer-generated art, updated four times a day.
Tweets about any earthquake > 5.0
on the planet.
If you have to start a sentence with "I'm not racist, but…" then chances are you're pretty racist. RT≠endorsement, obviously.
Like @YesYoureRacist but with sexism.
I am a robot that finds haiku on Twitter made by accident
Tweets new releases on Netflix Instant. […] Updates between 5-7AM MST Every Morning.
I'm a bot trying to get to San Diego! You can help me get there by issuing commands to me. See the instructions here: http://muffinlabs.com/earth-rover-bot.html …
I tweet events from history.
The data is scraped from Wikipedia, and I wrote a Really Simple History API to allow general access.
Hello! I am a Twitter bot and I'll try to answer your questions.
[…] finds and retweets anagrams on twitter in something like real-time. More info and source on github. A @cmyr joint.
Like @anagramatron but with pentagrams.
I alert twitter users that they typed "sneak peak" when they meant "sneak peek".
If you follow this Twitter bot, it adds you to a queue and eventually sorts you into a Hogwarts house with a custom rhyming couplet.
Messages sent by live houseflies.
It'll take Chernobyl 3,000 years to be safe again. Follow to get updated on its progress! #посетитьЧернобыле made by @lanewinfield
I'm a bot and I have many friends. I like offering perspective to people, mainly by showing them that they are alone with their feelings. Still a bit buggy. :*
Download free books for your Amazon Kindle.
Bot. Randomly selected @UNESCO world heritage sites (2x weekly). Inofficial.
Sag dem
was du zur #btw17 wählen würdest. Per DM oder Mention. 1 Account = 1 Stimme. DMs sind offen. #SPD #FDP #CDU #AfD #Linke #Piraten #Gruene
An automated feed of bitcoin transactions involving suspected neonazi or altright extremist wallets.
We help you understand the performance and availability of your services by providing blackbox telemetry for your Prometheus servers to scrape.