It is a script that I use to setup my forks. You perform such a setup only once. This means you do not do it very often. I'm not an elephant, I don't remember commands I use rarely. I like to have these things in scripts.
Use the script by passing two variables: bash <ORG_NAME> <REPO_NAME> <MASTER_OR_MAIN>
For example. If you want to contribute to generator to AsyncAPI and you forked the repo, then run the following in your terminal in the root of the repository:
bash asyncapi generator master
You can also add an alias to your bash profile to make your life easier:
alias conf-fork="bash ~/<SCRIPT_LOCATION/"
Feel free to suggest improvements. I know it is not perfect. Just please be polite 🍺
Every time I have to setup my machine, I'm coming back to this. Thanks, mate! 🍺