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Last active September 2, 2020 17:01
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Sample SRE questions for a SWE interview

Talk about yourself

  • Tell me about your software development journey. How did you end up here?
  • What excites you about software engineering?
  • What in particular interests you about $company?

Hopefully other stuff comes out of this

Your specific experience

  • Can you tell me about this event driven microservices architecture [or whatever interesting thing] you wrote? Can you diagram it?
  • What considerations went into the technology choices here?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a managed service versus running it yourself? When would you do one or the other?


The details about this system aren't thaaaat important.

You are given a Python application that talks to a mySQL database. The whole system runs on one physical machine in your lead developer's garage. How would you make this performant, observable, and fault tolerant?

Follow up: How do your improvements affect expected failure modes? How do you handle that?

Let's run through some failure scenarios. What does it mean?

  1. Your application returns intermittent status code 503s.
  2. Your application returns actual status code 500s.
  3. Your application gives returns status code 502s.
  4. Your application returns nothing at all. It just times out.
  5. You get both no data and a weird 5xx status code. [Where could these 500s be coming from, do you think?]
    • variation 1: Status code 522, "This site can't be reached" in browser
    • variation 2: Status code 524



IaC (and why?)

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