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Last active February 16, 2024 08:37
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Save davidstrauss/10184153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import os
import pprint
import fnmatch
import time
import subprocess
def find_services_needing_restart():
services = {}
pids = [ f for f in os.listdir('/proc') if f.isdigit() and os.path.isdir(os.path.join('/proc', f)) ]
for pid in pids:
reasons = set()
with open('/proc/{0}/maps'.format(pid), 'r') as maps:
for map in maps.readlines():
if '(deleted)' in map and '/usr/lib' in map:
reasons |= set([map])
if len(reasons) > 0:
with open('/proc/{0}/cgroup'.format(pid), 'r') as cgroups:
for cgroup in cgroups.readlines():
if 'systemd' in cgroup:
service = cgroup.strip().split('/')[-1]
if service != '':
services[service] = reasons
except IOError as e:
print('PID {0} went away (or permission denied): {1}'.format(pid, e))
return services
def find_matches(services, whitelist):
matches = set()
for whitelist_item in whitelist:
restart_services = fnmatch.filter(services, whitelist_item)
matches |= set(restart_services)
return matches
def restart_services(services):
for service in services:
print('Restarting {0}...'.format(service))
result = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/systemctl', 'restart', service], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
print(' ...done')
services = set(find_services_needing_restart().keys())
whitelist = ['*.service']
whitelisted = find_matches(services, whitelist)
print('Not Restarting:')
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