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I may be slow to respond.

Dave Marshall davedevelopment

I may be slow to respond.
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gregoryyoung / gist:1500720
Created December 20, 2011 08:00
Greg's Stop Loss Kata
Greg's Stop Loss Kata
Testing is very hard when time is involved ...
A trailing stop loss is a term used in financial trading. For a very in depth explanation you can read here and
However we do not need a huge amount of background in order to do the kata as we are going to limit the problem a bit.
The general idea is that when you buy into a stock at a price say $10. You want it to automatically get sold if the stock goes below $9 (-$1). If we use the term "trailing" that means that id the price goes up to $11 then the sell point becomes $10.
nikcub /
Created October 4, 2012 13:06
Facebook PHP Source Code from August 2007
briandoll /
Last active March 19, 2022 01:17
Toasts! - scripts to convert images attached to GitHub issues into an animated gif for serious celebratory purposes

To toast:

  • Make sure you have ImageMagick installed (brew install imagemagick)
  • Change line 7 of toast.rb to the repository name you're working with
  • toast!
$ bundle install
$ ./get_token [user] [pass]
$ export GHUSER=[myuser]
callado4 /
Last active January 24, 2021 17:10
Instructions on how to make behat (with mink) use the phantomjs webdriver to run headless browser tests

Making behat use phantomjs for the tests

If you want to run it on phantomjs (a headless browser) you can add this profile to your behat.yml and you need phantomjs >= 1.8.0

            base_url: http://dev.local
            goutte: ~
 wd_host: "http://localhost:8643/wd/hub" 
philsturgeon / gist:5465246
Last active May 23, 2022 12:29
API Golden Rules

Never Expose DB Results Directly

  1. If you rename a field, then your users are fucked. Convert with a hardcoded array structure.
  2. Most DB drivers [for PHP] will show integers as numeric strings and false as "0", so you want to typecast them.
  3. Unless you're using an ORM with "hidden" functionality, people will see passwords, salts and all sorts of fancy codes. If you add one and forget to put it in your $hidden array then OOPS!

Use the URI sparingly, and correctly

  1. Use the query string for paired params instead of /users/id/5/active/true. Your API does not need to be SEO optimised.
  2. ?format=xml is stupid, use an Accept: application/xml header. I added this to the CodeIgniter Rest Server once for lazy people, and now people think it's a thing. It's not.
namespace Sensio\Bridge\Phpmig;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* The ContainerAdapter allows the Symfony DIC to be used with phpmig. Phpmig is the tool that's used for executing
* migrations on the application and expects a service container that implements \ArrayAccess. This is achieved by
* wrapping Symfony's DIC with an adapter that implements \ArrayAccess and proxies to the DIC.
use \Phpmig\Adapter;
use Sensio\Bridge\Phpmig\ContainerAdapter;
require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/AppKernel.php';
$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true);
krakjoe /
Last active September 24, 2024 14:50

Multi-Threading in PHP with pthreads

A Brief Introduction to Multi-Threading in PHP

  • Foreword
  • Execution
  • Sharing
  • Synchronization
  • Pitfalls
codeliner / bc_interaction_sample.php
Created April 15, 2014 13:06
Sample to show interaction between two bounded contexts
* This file is an example gist to show the interaction between an ArticleContext and a LikeContext
* @example:
* We have to bounded contexts: ArticleContext and LikeContext and show the simplified process of following use case:
* In order to create a valid article Like, I should validate the article ID given to the LikeContext.
patio11 /
Last active February 23, 2024 11:16
Appointment Reminder Annual Pre-pay copy (2014)


This is the latest version of an email which I send periodically, offering customers the opportunity to pre-pay for SaaS in return for a discount. The benefits to the SaaS company are better cash flow and reduced churn rate. The benefits to the customer are, well, in the email. This genre of email has produced hundreds of thousands of dollars in pre-pays for some companies I work with, and it rarely requires any more work than this example.

I've put $79 is as a placeholder for the cost of the user's plan. We calculate that for each account, naturally, along with the billing contact's name.

Subject: Save $79 on Appointment Reminder (and get a tax write-off) Formatting: 100% plain text. Gmail automatically links up the central link. From: Patrick McKenzie (Appointment Reminder) [email protected]