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Created April 15, 2014 13:06
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Save codeliner/10731034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sample to show interaction between two bounded contexts
* This file is an example gist to show the interaction between an ArticleContext and a LikeContext
* @example:
* We have to bounded contexts: ArticleContext and LikeContext and show the simplified process of following use case:
* In order to create a valid article Like, I should validate the article ID given to the LikeContext.
* The ArticleContext is our core doamin and the LikeContext is a supporting sub domain.
* The ArticleContext is the owner of the use case. A client can only create a Like for an Article via
* {@method \ArticleContext\API\ArticleService#createLikeForArticle}.
* The ArticleService ensures that the given articleId references an existing Article in the ArticleContext.
* If this is true then it delegates the creation of new Like for this Article to an ExternalLikeService, which is a
* TranslationAdapter between the ArticleContext and the LikeContext.
* The LikeContext has it's own business rules of how a referenceId (f.e. ID of an Article, but other references are also possible) should look like.
* If the LikeContext successfully creates a new Like the related LikeId is returned by each layer and finally sent back to client.
* Follow the way of the use case through the classes, starting with a simplified RestController which is responsible for
* the request: POST /articles/{articleId}/likes
* Date: 4/15/14 - 9:30 AM
* (c) Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
namespace Application\Rest\Controller {
use ArticleContext\API\ArticleService;
* Class ArticleLikeController
* A rest controller which is responsible for ArticleLike resources
* @package Application\Rest\Controller
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
class ArticleLikeController
* @var ArticleService
private $articleService;
* Assume following route matches to this action:
* Route: /articles/{$articleId}/likes
* HTTP-Method: POST (with empty body)
* @param $articleId
* @return array Assume that we have a generic logic to translate the response array to JSON and set the correct response headers
public function createLike($articleId)
$newLikeId = $this->articleService->createLikeForArticle($articleId);
return array('id' => $newLikeId);
namespace ArticleContext\Model\Article {
* Class Article
* Simple Article entity, requires an integer as identifier
* @package ArticleContext\Model\Article
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
class Article
* @var int
private $id;
* @param int $id
public function __construct($id)
* @return int ID of Article
public function id()
return $this->id;
* Private validation method for Article ID
* @param int $id
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
private function setId($id)
if (! is_int($id)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("ArticleId must be of type integer");
$this->id = $id;
* Interface ArticleRepositoryInterface
* Simplified repository contract
* @package ArticleContext\Model\Article
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
interface ArticleRepositoryInterface
* @param int $id of Article
* @return null|Article
public function get($id);
* Add or update given Article
* @param Article $anArticle
* @return void
public function store(Article $anArticle);
namespace ArticleContext\API {
use ArticleContext\Model\Article\Article;
use ArticleContext\Model\Article\ArticleRepositoryInterface;
* Interface LikeServiceInterface
* Defines domain requirement for an external like service (TranslationAdapter between ArticleContext and LikeContext)
* The implementing class is placed in the infrastructure to follow a hexagonal architecture aka. Ports and Adapters:
* \ArticleContext\Infrastructure\Adapter\ExternalLikeService
* @package ArticleContext\Model\Service
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
interface LikeServiceInterface
* @param Article $anArticle
* @return int Like ID of new created Like
public function createLikeForArticle(Article $anArticle);
* Class ArticleService
* Responsible for the use case: In order to create a valid article like, I should validate the article ID given to the LikesContext.
* @package ArticleContext\Model\Service
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
class ArticleService
* @var LikeServiceInterface
private $likeService;
* @var ArticleRepositoryInterface
private $articleRepository;
* @param int $articleId
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @return int Like ID of the new created Like
public function createLikeForArticle($articleId)
$article = $this->articleRepository->get($articleId);
if (! $article) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Article can not be found: $articleId");
return $this->likeService->createLikeForArticle($article);
namespace ArticleContext\Infrastructure\Adapter {
use ArticleContext\API\LikeServiceInterface;
use ArticleContext\Model\Article\Article;
use LikeContext\API\LikeService;
* Class ExternalLikeService
* Adapter to translate between ArticleContext and LikeContext
* @package ArticleContext\Infrastructure\Adapter
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
class ExternalLikeService implements LikeServiceInterface
* @var LikeService part of the LikeContext and responsible for creating Likes for different referenced entities
private $likeContextService;
* @param Article $anArticle
* @return int Like ID of the created Like
public function createLikeForArticle(Article $anArticle)
//Use the LikeService from supporting sub domain to create a new Like for given Article
$likeId = $this->likeContextService->createLike('Article', (string)$anArticle->id());
return $likeId;
namespace LikeContext\API {
use LikeContext\Model\Like;
use LikeContext\Model\LikeRepositoryInterface;
* Class LikeService
* @package LikeContext\API
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
class LikeService
* @var LikeRepositoryInterface
private $likeRepository;
* Create a new Like on basis of given reference type and id
* @param string $referenceType
* @param string $referenceId
* @return int LikeId of new created Like
public function createLike($referenceType, $referenceId)
$like = new Like($this->likeRepository->nextLikeId(), $referenceType, $referenceId);
//@TODO: Add transaction handling
return $like->id();
namespace LikeContext\Model {
* Class Like
* The Like entity represents a Like of an entity from another context, f.e. a Like of an Article
* @package LikeContext\Model
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
class Like
* @var int
private $id;
* @var string
private $referenceType;
* @var string
private $referenceId;
* @param int $id
* @param string $referenceType
* @param string $referenceId
public function __construct($id, $referenceType, $referenceId)
* @return int
public function id()
return $this->id;
* @param int $id
* @throws \RuntimeException
private function setId($id)
if (! is_int($id)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Like ID must be of type integer");
$this->id = $id;
* @param string $referenceType
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
private function setReferenceType($referenceType)
$allowedTypes = array(
//more things that are likable
if (! in_array($referenceType, $allowedTypes)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'ReferenceType is invalid. Must be one of the values: %s',
implode(",", $allowedTypes)
$this->referenceType = $referenceType;
* @param string $referenceId
* @throws \RuntimeException
private function setReferenceId($referenceId)
if (! is_string($referenceId)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Reference ID must be of type string");
$this->referenceId = $referenceId;
* Interface LikeRepositoryInterface
* Simplified repository contract
* @package LikeContext\Model
* @author Alexander Miertsch <[email protected]>
interface LikeRepositoryInterface
* @param int $id of Article
* @return null|Article
public function get($id);
* Add or update given Like
* @param Like $aLike
* @return void
public function store(Like $aLike);
* Assume we work with a sequence based identifier
* @return int
public function nextLikeId();
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Just a quick one, how would you get the next like id if it was integers or would you turn a uuid into an int?

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