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Last active January 16, 2018 02:06
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Realsync with command overrides
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(mkpath rmtree);
use File::Spec;
use Text::ParseWords;
use IPC::Open2;
use IO::Handle;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Fcntl ':mode';
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use threads;
use threads::shared;
# Paths (will be filled later automatically).
my $DIR_PRIVATE = undef; # private area directory (holds e.g. .ssh folder)
my $FILE_CONFIG = undef; # config file
my $FILE_IDENTITY = undef; # identity file within .ssh folder
# Constants.
my $BINDIR = dirname(abs_path(__FILE__));
my $DELAY = 0.2;
my $SSH_VERBOSE = 0;
"-o", "Compression=yes",
"-o", "CompressionLevel=9",
"-o", "ConnectTimeout=3",
"-o", "ServerAliveInterval=2",
"-o", "ServerAliveCountMax=4",
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
if ($REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE ne ".realsync") {
my @DEFAULT_EXCLUDE = ($REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE, "CVS", ".git", ".svn", ".hg", ".cache", ".idea", "nbproject", "~*", "*.tmp", "*.pyc", "*.swp");
# Globals.
my $REM_SCRIPT = get_remote_script();
my $SSH_PID;
my @TREE;
my $HOOKS =
($ENV{COMSPEC} && 'Realsync::Win32')
|| ($^O =~ /darwin/i && 'Realsync::Darwin')
|| ($^O =~ /linux/i && 'Realsync::Linux')
|| 'Realsync::Generic';
my %PENDING: shared = ();
# Does everything,
sub main {
my $arg_index = 0;
if (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '-h') {
$arg_index = 2;
eval {
print "dkLab RealSync: replicate developer's files over SSH in realtime.\n\n";
# Make remote script's subs available.
eval("sub { $REM_SCRIPT }"); die $@ if $@;
# If an argument is passed, chdir to that directory. Else use the current one.
my $chdir = $ARGV[$arg_index];
if (!defined $chdir && -f $REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE) {
$chdir = ".";
if (!defined $chdir) {
chdir($chdir) or die "Cannot set current directory to $chdir: $!\n";
# Initialize and (possibly) correct environment.
# Correct pathes.
# Run the mainloop.
if ($@) {
print STDERR $@;
} else {
print STDERR "\nPress Enter to quit... ";
scalar <STDIN>;
# Main execution loop.
# Called inside eval{} block to catch errors and print them.
sub mainloop {
binmode(STDIN); STDIN->autoflush(1);
binmode(STDOUT); STDOUT->autoflush(1);
binmode(STDERR); STDERR->autoflush(1);
$SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; # later, if you use system(), reset this signal!
$SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; # do not kill the whole realsync if remote SSH dies
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{KILL} = sub { onexit(); exit; };
if (!-d $DIR_PRIVATE || !-f $FILE_CONFIG) {
# If we use a custom identity file, switch home dir to its directory.
if (-f $FILE_IDENTITY) {
# Read configuration.
if ($CONFIG{identity}) {
# We MUST avoid chdir: in Cygwin we have problems with non-ASCII names.
-d cfg("local") or die "Bad local directory " . cfg("local") . ": $!\n";
while (1) {
eval { do_replication() };
logger($@) if $@;
# Called at script dead.
sub onexit {
my ($iteration_end) = @_;
kill(9, $SSH_PID) if $SSH_PID;
$SSH_PID = undef;
if (!$iteration_end) {
$HOOKS->finalize_env() if $HOOKS;
# Called at the end of script.
sub END {
# Builds pathes and saves it to global variables.
sub build_pathes_based_on_cwd {
my ($is_tmp) = @_;
my $dir_appdata = ($ENV{APPDATA} || $ENV{HOME}) or die "Environment variable HOME must be set!\n";
# First, try to use legacy scheme.
build_pathes_based_on_cwd_legacy($dir_appdata, $is_tmp);
return if -f $FILE_CONFIG;
# Use a new scheme.
my $cwd = getcwd();
my $hash = $cwd;
$hash =~ s{^\w:[/\\]|[/\\]+$}{}sg;
$hash =~ s{\W+}{_}sgi;
$hash = substr($hash, -80) if length($hash) > 80;
$hash = substr(md5_hex($cwd), 0, 10) . "_" . $hash;
# Build pathes.
$DIR_PRIVATE = $dir_appdata . "/$REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE/" . $hash;
$DIR_PRIVATE .= ".tmp" if $is_tmp;
$FILE_IDENTITY = "$DIR_PRIVATE/.ssh/identity";
# Legacy pathes for configuration.
sub build_pathes_based_on_cwd_legacy {
my ($dir_appdata, $is_tmp) = @_;
$DIR_PRIVATE = $dir_appdata . "/$REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE/" . substr(md5_hex(getcwd()), 0, 10);
$DIR_PRIVATE .= ".tmp" if $is_tmp;
$FILE_CONFIG = "$DIR_PRIVATE/realsync.ini";
$FILE_IDENTITY = "$DIR_PRIVATE/.ssh/identity";
# Executes the whole replication algorithm.
sub do_replication {
# Run SSH asynchronously to save time.
do_run_ssh("Initiating a background connection with " . cfg("remote") . "...");
# Read initial state BEFORE rsync!
@TREE = ();
my $num_objs = grep { $_->{type} eq "dir" } get_changes();
# Initial rsync.
do_rsync("Fast initial rsync synchronization...") if !$DEBUG_PATCH_TREE;
# Watching.
logger("", 0, 1);
do_watch("Watching for changes in $num_objs folder(s)...");
# Executes RSYNC command.
sub do_rsync {
my ($msg) = @_;
my ($h_host, $h_port) = parse_host_spec(cfg("host"));
my @rsync_cmd = (
"-e", join(" ",
(-f $FILE_IDENTITY ? ("-i", $FILE_IDENTITY) : ()),
$HOOKS->convert_rsync_local_path(cfg("local")) . "/", # the trailing slash is significant!
cfg("user") . '@' . $h_host . ":" . cfg("remote") . "/",
map { ("--exclude", $_) } @{cfg("exclude", 1)},
while (1) {
#logger(join(" ", map { /\s|\*/s ? '"' . $_ . '"' : $_ } @rsync_cmd));
local $SIG{CHLD}; # else system() does not work
local $SIG{PIPE}; # to be on a safe side
my $exitcode = system(@rsync_cmd);
if (!defined $exitcode || $exitcode < 0) {
logger("Failed to run rsync: $!\n");
} elsif ($exitcode & 127) {
logger("Rsync died with signal " . ($exitcode & 127));
} elsif (($exitcode >> 8) == 0) {
} else {
logger("Rsync exited with code " . ($exitcode >> 8) . ", retrying...");
# Executes background SSH process which is used to push changes.
sub do_run_ssh {
my ($msg) = @_;
my $rem_script = $REM_SCRIPT;
$rem_script =~ s/!/@@/sg; # for tcsh
my ($h_host, $h_port) = parse_host_spec(cfg("host"));
my @ssh_cmd = (
($SSH_VERBOSE ? ("-v") : ()),
(-f $FILE_IDENTITY ? ("-i", $FILE_IDENTITY) : ()),
cfg("user") . '@' . $h_host,
# For TCSH we must NEVER insert "!" character into arguments, else it
# breaks the program. So we previously replace "!" to "@@" and then,
# at the remote side, replace it back to "!", but with no "!" specification.
q{exec perl -we '$_=$ARGV[0]; s/@@/\x21/sg; eval($_); die $@ if $@;'} . " '$rem_script'"
# use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\@ssh_cmd); exit;
# Unfortunately on Win32 we cannot read from a handle returned
# from the first open2's argument - Perl hangs even if buffering
# is correctly turned off. So we cannot receive a feedback from
# a remote SSH and are just passively displaying its output.
$SSH_PID = open2(">&STDOUT", \*IN, @ssh_cmd) or die "Cannot run ssh: $!\n";
binmode IN; IN->autoflush(1);
# Performs endless changes watching.
sub do_watch {
my ($msg) = @_;
# Watching loop.
print IN cfg("remote") . "\n";
my $candidates = undef;
while (1) {
my @changes = get_changes($candidates);
if (@changes > $MIN_CHANGES_FOR_RSYNC) {
do_rsync("Detected changes in more than $MIN_CHANGES_FOR_RSYNC objects. Running rsync: it's faster.");
} elsif (@changes) {
logger("Detected " . @changes . " change(s), transmitting...");
foreach my $change (@changes) {
write_change(\*IN, $change);
# Wait with periodical callback checking.
$candidates = wait_notify(sub {
if (!$SSH_PID || !kill(0, $SSH_PID)) {
die "SSH client died, restarting.\n";
# Performs installation process.
sub do_install {
local $SIG{CHLD}; # else system() does not work
local $SIG{PIPE}; # to be on a safe side
my $step_num = 1;
my $step_text = sub {
my $s = "(Step $step_num) $_[0]";
return $s;
my %CONFIG = ();
if (-f $FILE_CONFIG) {
print "Read options from existing config: $FILE_CONFIG.\n";
} else {
print "Starting an interactive installation.\n";
print "\n";
my @config = ();
my $local;
if (!defined $CONFIG{local}) {
$local = ask(
$step_text->("LOCAL directory to replicate FROM:\n "),
sub { -d $_ ? undef : "No such directory: $_" }
$local = "." if $local eq getcwd();
$local =~ s{\\}{/}sg;
$local =~ s{/+$}{}sg;
push @config, {
"name" => "local",
"value" => $local,
"comment" => "Local directory to be realtime-replicated.",
} else {
$local = $CONFIG{local};
chdir($local) or die "Cannot chdir to $local: $!\n";
build_pathes_based_on_cwd(1); # builds TEMPORARY paths
mkpath($DIR_PRIVATE, 0, 0700); # IMPORTANT: it's a marker to skip the installation wizard next time
my $host = undef;
my $user = undef;
my $step_save = $step_num;
while (1) {
$step_num = $step_save;
if (!defined $CONFIG{host}) {
push @config, {
"name" => "host",
"value" => ($host = ask(
$step_text->("REMOTE host to replicate TO (host or host:port):"),
sub { /^[-\w.]+(?::\d+)?$/s ? undef : "Invalid hostname!" }
"comment" => "Remote host to replicate to over SSH.",
} else {
$host = $CONFIG{host};
if (!defined $CONFIG{user}) {
push @config, {
"name" => "user",
"value" => ($user = ask(
$step_text->("REMOTE SSH login at $host:"),
sub { /^\S+$/s ? undef : "Invalid login format!" }
"comment" => "User to connect to the remote host.",
} else {
$user = $CONFIG{user};
# Check if we already have a passwordless access.
print "Checking if we have access to $user\@$host with no password...\n";
my ($h_host, $h_port) = parse_host_spec($host);
my $cmd_check = "ssh -q -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p$h_port $user\@$h_host exit";
if (system($cmd_check) == 0) {
print " we already have access to the host, continuing.\n";
} else {
print " no access, generating new SSH keys.\n";
# Use a custom SSH key (create a new one if no key exists).
mkpath(dirname($FILE_IDENTITY), 0, 0700);
if (!-f $FILE_IDENTITY) {
my $cmd = "ssh-keygen -N \"\" -q -t rsa -b 2048 -f $FILE_IDENTITY";
if (system($cmd)) {
die "Cannot generate SSH keys. ssh-keygen: $!\n$cmd\n";
# Temporarily rename the file to avoid the case when the next
# pubkey copying failed and the user restarts realsync again.
# For users who ask: "should I enter my password each time?"
ask($step_text->("ONLY ONCE you will be asked for a password. Continue?"), "y");
my $pub_file = "$";
# system() is better than popen(), because Perl does not flush a child
# process'es STDERR till we read from STDIN (Win32 perl bug?).
print "Copying SSH key to $user\@$host. Executing:\n";
my $cmd = "ssh"
. " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p$h_port $user\@$h_host\n"
. ' "cd; umask 077; test -d .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh || mkdir .ssh;'
. ' test -e .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys; (echo; cat)'
. ' >> .ssh/authorized_keys"';
my $show = '$ ' . $cmd;
print "$show\n";
$cmd =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /sg;
if (system("$cmd < $pub_file")) {
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "Failed connecting to $user\@$host. Please enter a correct host, login and password.\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print "Public key $pub_file is copied to $user\@$host!\n";
print "\n";
# Successfully copied, so rename the file back.
if (!defined $CONFIG{remote}) {
push @config, {
"name" => "remote",
"value" => ask(
$step_text->("REMOTE directory at $user\@$host to replicate to:"),
sub {
print " checking if the directory exists...\n";
my ($h_host, $h_port) = parse_host_spec($host);
my $cmd = "ssh"
. (-f $FILE_IDENTITY ? " -i $FILE_IDENTITY" : "")
. " -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p$h_port $user\@$h_host \"test -d $_\"";
my $ret = system($cmd) >> 8;
if ($ret != 0) {
return "Directory $_ at $user\@$host does not exist. Try again.";
"comment" => "Directory at the remote host to replicate files to.",
} else {
# Pass.
if (!defined $CONFIG{exclude}) {
print "\n";
my $excludes = ask(
"Exclusions from " . basename($FILE_CONFIG) . " configuration are:\n" .
" " . join(" ", @DEFAULT_EXCLUDE) . "\n" .
"Enter a space-separated list of ADDITIONAL exclusions:",
my $first = 1;
foreach my $mask (@DEFAULT_EXCLUDE, grep { length } split(m/[\s+,]+/s, $excludes)) {
push @config, {
"name" => "exclude",
"value" => $mask,
"comment" => $first ? "Pathname wildcards to be excluded from the replication.\nUse \"*\" for any filename character and \"**\" for any character,\nincluding \"/\" in pathnames." : undef,
$first = 0;
} else {
# Pass.
if (!%CONFIG) {
push @config, {
"name" => "#exclude_file",
"value" => ".gitignore",
"comment" => "You may read exclusion list from e.g. a .gitignore file.",
if (!defined $CONFIG{nosound}) {
push @config, {
"name" => "nosound",
"value" => "0",
"comment" => "To turn off \"synchronization ding\" sound, set the following to 1.",
if (!%CONFIG) {
unshift @config, {
"name" => "#load",
"value" => "$REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE-local",
"comment" => "You may load some other config files. It's a good practice to put\n"
. "all user-specific options (e.g. \"user\" directive, see below) to\n"
. "$REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE-local plus add this file to .gitignore. After that\n"
. "you commit the current $REALSYNC_SPEC_FILE file to your version control\n"
. "system, so developers may just override options in their own local files."
push @config, {
"name" => "#rsync_options",
"value" => join(" ", @RSYNC_OPTIONS),
"comment" => "Options passed to RSYNC.",
push @config, {
"name" => "#ssh_options",
"value" => join(" ", @SSH_OPTIONS),
"comment" => "Options passed to SSH.",
print "\n";
if (@config) {
open(local *F, ">>", $FILE_CONFIG);
if (!%CONFIG) {
print F "##\n";
print F "## dkLab RealSync configuration file.\n";
print F "##\n";
foreach my $opt (@config) {
my $comment = $opt->{comment};
if ($comment) {
$comment =~ s/^/# /mg;
print F "\n$comment\n";
print F $opt->{name} . " = " . $opt->{value} . "\n";
print "All done. The configuration file has been updated.\n";
print "Configuration file is:\n $FILE_CONFIG\n";
if (-f $FILE_IDENTITY) {
print "Generated SSH private key is saved to:\n";
print " $FILE_IDENTITY\n";
# Flip tmp keys directory into the permanent one at the very end, so if
# one presses Ctrl+C above and relaunches, everything is started from scratch.
my ($tmp_dir_private) = ($DIR_PRIVATE);
rename($tmp_dir_private, $DIR_PRIVATE);
print "\n";
print "Press Enter start the replication. ";
scalar <STDIN>;
# Asks a question interactively.
# Used by installer only.
sub ask {
my ($msg, $default, $check) = @_;
while (1) {
print $msg . " ";
print "[" . (length $default ? $default : "<none>") . "] " if defined $default;
local $_ = <STDIN>;
if ($_ eq "") {
return $default if defined $default;
if ($check) {
my $err = $check->();
if ($err) {
print "$err\n";
return $_;
# Reads a config item value.
sub cfg {
my ($name, $nodie) = @_;
my $value = $CONFIG{$name};
if ($name eq "ssh_options") {
$value ||= join(" ", @SSH_OPTIONS);
if ($name eq "rsync_options") {
$value ||= join(" ", @RSYNC_OPTIONS);
if (!$nodie) {
if (!defined $value) {
die("Cannot read \"$name\" configuration option at $FILE_CONFIG!\n");
if ($name eq "local" || $name eq "remote") {
# Trailing slash is removed, but added at rsync call manually,
# because it is significant for rsync.
$value =~ s{[/\\]+$}{}sg;
return $value;
# Precise sleep function.
sub usleep {
my ($delay) = @_;
select(undef, undef, undef, $delay);
# Pass information about background file changes monitoring.
# This is an abstraction level for multi-thread communication.
my $NOTIFIES_SUPPORTED: shared = 0;
my @NOTIFIES: shared = ();
sub notifies_set_supported {
my ($flag) = @_;
sub notifies_is_supported {
sub notifies_push {
push @NOTIFIES, @_;
sub notifies_pop {
my @changes = @NOTIFIES;
return @changes;
# Calculates filesystem changes between the previous call to
# get_changes() and the current time.
sub get_changes {
my ($candidates) = @_;
my @changes = ();
# Build current tree.
my @cur_tree = ();
if (!$candidates || !@$candidates) {
make_tree(\@cur_tree, ".");
} else {
@cur_tree = @TREE;
$candidates = expand_dir_candidates(\@cur_tree, $candidates);
foreach (@$candidates) { print "Candidate: $_\n" }
patch_tree(\@cur_tree, $candidates);
# foreach (@cur_tree) { print $_->{name} . "\n"; } print "\n";
# use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\@cur_tree); exit;
# Collect deleted entries.
my %cur_tree = map { ($_->{name} => $_) } @cur_tree;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @TREE; $i++) {
my $prev = $TREE[$i];
my $name = $prev->{name};
if (!$cur_tree{$name}) {
push @changes, {
type => "del",
name => $name,
# Skip children entries.
for (++$i; $i < @TREE; $i++) {
last if substr($TREE[$i]->{name}, 0, length($name) + 1) ne "$name/";
# Collect added entries.
my %TREE = map { ($_->{name} => $_) } @TREE;
foreach my $cur (@cur_tree) {
my $name = $cur->{name};
if (!$TREE{$name} || $TREE{$name}{stamp} != $cur->{stamp} || $TREE{$name}{perm} ne $cur->{perm}) {
push @changes, $cur;
# use Data::Dumper; open(local *F, ">/realsync.debug"); print F Dumper(\@TREE) . "\n\n"; print F Dumper(\@changes);
@TREE = @cur_tree;
return @changes;
# Reads filesystem information about $rel.
# Returns undef if no such file/directory exists.
sub make_tree_item {
my ($rel) = @_;
my $exclude_re = cfg("exclude_re", 1);
# We use substr($rel, 1) below, because we need to cut leading "."
# (rel pathes are ALWAYS started with ".", so we must cat to avoid its
# matching with ".*" glob wildcard: e.g. "./aa/b" does match ".*"
# glob wildcard, but "/aa/b" - does not.
return if $exclude_re && $rel ne "." && substr($rel, 1) =~ $exclude_re;
my $local = cfg("local");
my $fullpath = "$local/$rel";
my @stat = stat($fullpath);
return if !@stat; # hmm? but it is needed for linux mcedit
my $cur = {
path => $fullpath,
name => $rel,
stamp => $stat[9],
perm => ($HOOKS eq 'Realsync::Win32' ? "" : ($stat[2] & 0777)), # Skip perms for Windows
if (S_ISREG($stat[2])) {
$cur->{type} = "fil";
} elsif (S_ISDIR($stat[2])) {
$cur->{type} = "dir";
return $cur;
# Makes a tree from the filesystem. You may limit recursion by $max_level: e.g.
# if it is 1, only $rel and its direct children (if any) are returned.
sub make_tree {
my ($tree, $rel, $max_level) = @_;
my $cur = make_tree_item($rel) or return;
push @$tree, $cur;
return if defined($max_level) && $max_level == 0;
if ($cur->{type} eq "dir") {
opendir(local *D, $cur->{path}) or die "Cannot opendir $cur->{path}: $!\n";
my @content = sort readdir(D); # sort is VERY important here! we use bsearch!
foreach my $e (@content) {
next if $e eq "." || $e eq "..";
make_tree($tree, $cur->{name} . "/" . $e, (defined($max_level) ? $max_level - 1 : undef));
# Updates the current tree in memory checking statuses of enumerated
# candidate elements (each of them may be changed, added or removed).
sub patch_tree {
my ($tree, $candidates) = @_;
foreach my $cand (@$candidates) {
my $branch_start_idx = find_branch_start_in_tree($tree, $cand);
if (!defined($tree->[$branch_start_idx]) || $tree->[$branch_start_idx]->{name} ne $cand) {
# Candidate is not within the tree, add it at $branch_start_idx pos.
my @subtree;
make_tree(\@subtree, $cand);
splice(@$tree, $branch_start_idx, 0, @subtree);
} else {
# Candidate is within the old tree.
my $new_item = make_tree_item($cand);
if (!$new_item) {
# Item was deleted. Also remove its children.
my $branch_end_idx = find_branch_end_in_tree($tree, $cand, $branch_start_idx);
splice(@$tree, $branch_start_idx, $branch_end_idx - $branch_start_idx + 1);
} else {
# Item was modified. Just update the previous one.
splice(@$tree, $branch_start_idx, 1, $new_item);
# For each directory in the candidates list expand it to all direct
# children of this directory (existed now or existed previously).
sub expand_dir_candidates {
my ($tree, $candidates) = @_;
my %expanded = ();
foreach my $cand (@$candidates) {
my $item = make_tree_item($cand);
if (!$item || $item->{type} eq 'fil') {
$expanded{$cand} = undef;
} elsif ($item->{type} eq 'dir') {
# First, files/directories which exist directly below $cand NOW (including $cand).
my @existed = ();
make_tree(\@existed, $cand, 1);
@expanded{map { $_->{name} } @existed} = ();
# Next, add sub-files/sub-directories which exist PREVIOUSLY.
my @previous = ();
my $branch_start_idx = find_branch_start_in_tree($tree, $cand);
my $branch_end_idx = find_branch_end_in_tree($tree, $cand, $branch_start_idx);
my $item_is_child_to_cand_re = qr{^\Q$cand\E/[^/]+$}s;
for (my $i = $branch_start_idx + 1; $i <= $branch_end_idx; $i++) {
my $name = $tree->[$i]->{name};
$expanded{$name} = undef if $name =~ $item_is_child_to_cand_re;
return [sort keys %expanded];
# Searches for $rel position within the tree. If nothing is found,
# returns a position at which $rel should be inserted alphabethically.
sub find_branch_start_in_tree {
my ($tree, $rel) = @_;
my $idx = binsearch(
sub {
# Make "/" to be the lowest possible priority. This is needed, because
# the plain "/" is greater than ".", so we have a WRONG ordering:
# - aaa/bbb
# - aaa/bbb.ext
# - aaa/bbb/ccc
# This is wrong, the correct order must be:
# - aaa/bbb
# - aaa/bbb/ccc
# - aaa/bbb.ext
my $a = $_[0]; $a =~ tr{/}{\x00};
my $b = $_[1]->{name}; $b =~ tr{/}{\x00};
return $a cmp $b;
return $idx;
# Starting from $branch_start_idx position in the tree, searches for
# the last item which is descendand of $rel (or equals to $rel).
sub find_branch_end_in_tree {
my ($tree, $rel, $branch_start_idx) = @_;
my $i;
for ($i = $branch_start_idx + 1; $i < @$tree; $i++) {
last if substr($tree->[$i]->{name}, 0, length($rel) + 1) ne "$rel/";
return $i;
# Sorted array binary search.
# Returns the index of the position at which $s must be situated.
sub binsearch {
my ($f, $s, $list) = @_;
my $i = 0;
my $j = $#$list;
for (;;) {
my $k = int(($j - $i) / 2) + $i;
my $c = &$f($s, $list->[$k]);
#printf "== %s...%s k=%s %s <=> %s = %s\n", $i, $j, $k, $s, $list->[$k], $c;
if ($c == 0) {
return $k;
} elsif ($c < 0) {
$j = $k - 1;
return $k if ($i > $j);
} else {
$i = $k + 1;
return $i if ($i > $j);
# Splits command-line arguments by spaces (with correct quotes processing).
sub split_cmd_args {
my ($s) = @_;
return Text::ParseWords::shellwords($s);
# Reads a configuration file.
sub read_config {
my ($file) = @_;
my %config_overrides = @_;
open(local *F, $file) or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
my %config;
while (<F>) {
# Comments could be at the beginning of the line only,
# because "#" character is valid e.g. inside a file path.
next if !$_;
my ($k, $v) = ($_ =~ m/^(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*|\s+)(.*)$/s);
next if !$k;
if ($k eq "exclude") {
push @{$config{exclude}}, $v;
} elsif ($k eq "exclude_file") {
push @{$config{exclude}}, read_exclude_file($v);
} elsif ($k eq "load") {
%config = (%config, read_config(File::Spec->rel2abs($v, dirname($file))));
} else {
$config{$k} = $v;
if ($config{exclude}) {
$config{exclude_re} = join("|", map { mask_to_re($_) } @{$config{exclude}});
if ($config_overrides{host}) {
$config{host} = $config_overrides{host};
return %config;
# Reads a content of .gitignore-like file.
sub read_exclude_file {
my ($file) = @_;
my @excludes = ();
open(local *F, $file) or die "Cannot open an exclude file $file: $!\n";
while (<F>) {
# Comments could be at the beginning of the line only,
# because "#" character is valid e.g. inside a file path.
push @excludes, $_ if length($_);
return @excludes;
# Converts filesystem wildcard into regular expression.
sub mask_to_re {
my ($mask) = @_;
my $is_basename_mask = $mask !~ m{[/\\]}s && $mask !~ m{\*\*}s;
$mask = "\Q$mask";
$mask =~ s{\\\*\\\*}{.*}sg;
$mask =~ s{\\\*}{[^/\\\\]*}sg;
if ($is_basename_mask) {
$mask = '(?:[/\\\\]|^)' . $mask . '(?:[/\\\\]|$)';
} else {
# Rel path to match with such mask is always started with "./",
# but before matching the first character is cut. So when we
# check rel path like "./aaa/bbb" to be matched by "aaa/b*" mask,
# we are really executing "/aaa/bbb" =~ m{^(?:[/\\\\])?aaa/b.*$}.
$mask = '^(?:[/\\\\])?' . $mask . '$';
return $mask;
# Returns host and port number from a host specification.
sub parse_host_spec {
my ($host_port) = @_;
return $host_port =~ /^(.*):(\d+)$/s ? ($1, $2) : ($host_port, "22");
# Reads the script from __DATA__ section of the file.
sub get_remote_script {
local $/;
my $script = <DATA>;
$script =~ s/\#[^\n]+//sg;
$script =~ s/"(.*?)"/qq{$1}/sg;
$script =~ s/'(.*?)'/q{$1}/sg;
$script =~ s/[\t\r\n]+/ /sg;
return $script;
# Runs a notification daemon.
sub spawn_notify_daemon {
my $cmd = $HOOKS->get_notify_daemon_cmd() or return;
my $local = main::cfg("local"); $local =~ s{\\}{/}sg;
async {
# Unfortunately we have to use a separate thread and shared-var
# polling to listen to the watcher, because Win32 IO::Select
# does not support waiting on a filehandle.
while (1) {
eval {
logger("Running async notification watcher (to save CPU time).\n");
my $pid = open(NOTIFY_FH, $cmd . "|");
if (!$pid) {
logger("Cannot run notification daemon: $!. Command was:\n $cmd\n");
my @buf = ();
while (1) {
my $line = <NOTIFY_FH>; # locks until data is ready
defined $line or die "Notification daemon is terminated unexpectedly, restarting. Command was:\n $cmd\n";
kill(0, $pid) or die "Notification watcher is dead, restarting. Command was:\n $cmd\n";
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//sg;
if ($line eq "-") {
@buf = ();
} elsif ($line =~ /^\w+ (.+)/s) {
#print "Received: $line\n" if $DEBUG_PATCH_TREE;
my $path = $1; $path =~ s{\\}{/}sg;
my $rel = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path) ? File::Spec->abs2rel($path, $local) : $path;
print "Notify: $rel\n" if $DEBUG_PATCH_TREE;
$rel = "./" . $rel if substr($rel, 0, 2) ne "./" && $rel ne ".";
push @buf, $rel;
} else {
# Unknown response - just wake up.
logger($@) if $@;
# Wait a bit - possibly notification daemon will dead shortly, so we glue
# its mortal message with its launching message.
# Waits for changes within the filesystem.
# Callback $callback is called in busy-wait manner (to monitor
# background processes health etc).
# Returns undef if no changes detalization is known (we
# know only the fact that SOMETHING was changes), else -
# a reference to array of changed file/directory names.
sub wait_notify {
my ($idle_callback) = @_;
# Use polling if we have no watcher program for this platform.
if (!notifies_is_supported()) {
return undef;
# Unfortunately we have to use shared-var polling, because Win32
# IO::Select does not support waiting on a filehandle.
while (1) {
my %changes;
@changes{notifies_pop()} = ();
if (%changes) {
usleep(0.01); # changes often go one after another, glue them
@changes{notifies_pop()} = ();
my $changes = [ sort keys %changes ]; # sort is very important here!
return @$changes == 1 && exists($changes{""}) ? undef : $changes;
# Must not be overriden.
# Set icon state to:
# - rsync
# - replication
# - transfer
# - wait
my $prev_wav_time = time();
sub notification {
my ($type) = @_;
if ($type eq "rsync") {
$PENDING{balloon_title} = "dkLab RealSync";
$PENDING{balloon_tip} = "RSync of the whole directory is running...";
$PENDING{icon} = "flash";
$PENDING{reset_icon_in} = 0;
} elsif ($type eq "replication") {
$PENDING{balloon_title} = "dkLab RealSync";
$PENDING{balloon_tip} = "Incremental replication is running.";
$PENDING{icon} = "icon";
$PENDING{visibility} = 0 if !$DEBUG_PATCH_TREE;
$PENDING{reset_icon_in} = 0;
} elsif ($type eq "transfer") {
$PENDING{icon} = "flash";
if (!$CONFIG{nosound} && time() - ($prev_wav_time||0) > 1) {
$PENDING{wav} = "transfer";
$prev_wav_time = time();
$PENDING{reset_icon_in} = 0;
} elsif ($type eq "wait") {
# Delay resetting of wait status (because we cannot have no feedback about
# a transfer finish from the server in Win32).
$PENDING{reset_icon_in} = 1;
# Must not be overriden.
# Return pending events and clean them.
# Should be used in derived classes.
sub pop_pending {
my (%pending) = %PENDING;
%PENDING = ();
return %pending;
## Generic hooks.
package Realsync::Generic;
# Convert path (e.g. Windows -> Cygwin).
sub convert_rsync_local_path {
return $_[1];
# Initializes and correct runtime environment.
# Should be overriden if needed.
sub init_env {}
# Initializes and correct GUI.
# Should be overriden if needed.
sub init_gui {}
# Called at the script death.
# Should be overriden if needed.
sub finalize_env {}
# Get notification daemon command-line.
# If undef is returned, no notify daemon is used.
sub get_notify_daemon_cmd {}
## Win32 hooks.
package Realsync::Win32;
our @ISA = 'Realsync::Generic';
use File::Basename;
use Time::HiRes 'time';
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my $title;
my $tray_ghost_wnd;
my $tray_icon;
my $icon;
my $reset_icon_at;
my $console_visible = 1;
my $console_manually_toggled = 0;
my %icons;
my $perl_window;
my $balloon_shown_at;
sub convert_rsync_local_path {
my ($class, $path) = @_;
$path =~ s{\\}{/}sg;
$path =~ s{\s*(\w):}{"/cygdrive/" . lc($1)}sge;
$path =~ s{/+$}{}sg;
return $path;
sub _to_ascii_path {
my ($path) = @_;
local $ENV{PATH} = "$BINDIR\\bin\\win32";
my $newpath = $path;
$newpath =~ s{/}{\\}sg;
$newpath = `cygpath -a -d "$newpath"`; # the only method to call in non-ASCII path!
$newpath =~ s{\s+$}{}sg if $newpath;
"Cannot convert to Cygwin-compatible ASCII format:\n" .
" $path\n" .
"(Unfortunately even Cygwin 1.7.1-1 + rsync + ssh cannot work properly when\n" .
"PATH contains non-ASCII (national) characters. Even with LC_ALL setting.)\n"
if !$newpath;
return $newpath;
sub init_env {
my ($class) = @_;
# Very important to do it late!
$ENV{CYGWIN} = "binmode nontsec nodosfilewarning noglob";
# Resolve non-ASCII letters from $BINDIR - in fact, even a new Cygwin
# rsync + ssh version cannot work with them.
$BINDIR = _to_ascii_path($BINDIR);
# Correct PATH to point to our utilities.
# dirname($ENV{COMSPEC}) is used to call system("... < file"): else it does not work!
my $path = "$BINDIR\\bin\\win32;" . dirname($ENV{COMSPEC});
my $cygpath = join ";", map { __PACKAGE__->convert_rsync_local_path($_) } split /\s*;\s*/s, $path;
$ENV{PATH} = $path . ";" . $cygpath;
# Build HOME directiry as ASCII-only.
$ENV{APPDATA} = _to_ascii_path($ENV{APPDATA} or die "Environment variable APPDATA must exist!\n");
# Other CYGWIN environment.
# Default Linux permissions used by mkdir and cat:
# dir: rwxrwxr-x
# file: rw-rw-r--
"--perms=off", "--chmod=ug=rwX,o=rX",
sub get_notify_daemon_cmd {
my $bin = $BINDIR . '/bin/win32/notify.exe';
return if !-f $bin;
return "\"$bin\" \"" . main::cfg("local") . "\"";
sub init_gui {
# Run a background GUI thread asynchronously.
async {
# Initialize the tray icon.
require Win32;
require Win32::GUI;
$tray_ghost_wnd = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
-name => 'Window',
-text => "dkLab RealSync",
-size => [100, 100],
-minsize => [100, 100],
$tray_ghost_wnd->AddTimer('Timer', 50);
$perl_window = Win32::GUI::GetPerlWindow();
$title = "dkLab RealSync: " . main::cfg("user") . '@' . main::cfg("host") . ":" . main::cfg("remote");
Win32::GUI::Text($perl_window, $title);
sub main::Timer_Timer {
my %pending = main::pop_pending();
#print "- " . join(" ", map { "$_=>$pending{$_}" } keys %pending) . "\n" if %pending;
# Process hiding/showing BEFORE processing icon notifications (because icon
# may appear only after the window is minimized).
defined $pending{visibility} && !$console_manually_toggled and set_console_visibility($pending{visibility});
# Process sounds.
if ($pending{wav}) {
require Win32::API;
my $function = Win32::API->new(
'Winmm.dll', 'BOOL PlaySound(LPCSTR pszSound, HMODULE hmod, DWORD fdwSound)',
$function->Call("$BINDIR/bin/win32/wav/" . $pending{wav} . ".wav", 0, 0x20000 | 0x1);
# Process icon notifications.
my %changes = ();
$pending{balloon_title} and $changes{-balloon_title} = $pending{balloon_title};
$pending{balloon_tip} and $changes{-balloon_tip} = $pending{balloon_tip};
$pending{icon} and $changes{-icon} = get_icon($pending{icon});
if (exists $pending{reset_icon_in}) {
$reset_icon_at = $pending{reset_icon_in} ? time() + $pending{reset_icon_in} : undef;
if ($reset_icon_at && time() > $reset_icon_at) {
$changes{-icon} = get_icon("icon");
$reset_icon_at = undef;
if (%changes) {
$icon = ($changes{-icon} ||= get_icon($icon));
Win32::GUI::SetIcon($perl_window, $icon);
if ($tray_icon) {
-balloon_icon => "info",
if ($changes{-balloon_tip}) {
$balloon_shown_at = time();
} else {
# Hide balloon manually (automatic timeout seems do not work).
if ($balloon_shown_at && time() - $balloon_shown_at > 3) {
$tray_icon->HideBalloon() if $tray_icon;
$balloon_shown_at = undef;
# Process minimization.
if (Win32::GUI::IsIconic($perl_window) && Win32::GUI::IsVisible($perl_window)) {
$console_manually_toggled = 1;
sub main::NI_Click {
$console_manually_toggled = 1;
set_console_visibility() if !$console_visible;
sub finalize_env {
$tray_icon->Remove() if $tray_icon;
$tray_icon = undef;
sub get_icon {
my ($name) = @_;
my $f = "$BINDIR/bin/win32/icon/realsync_${name}.ico";
return $icons{$f} ||= new Win32::GUI::Icon($f);
sub set_console_visibility {
my ($visible) = @_;
if (!defined $visible) {
$visible = !$console_visible;
return if $console_visible == $visible;
if ($visible) {
$tray_icon->Remove() if $tray_icon;
$tray_icon = undef;
Win32::GUI::SetForegroundWindow($perl_window); # the ONLY method to activate!
} else {
$tray_icon = $tray_ghost_wnd->AddNotifyIcon(
-name => "NI",
-tip => $title,
-icon => $icon ? $icon : get_icon("icon"),
$console_visible = $visible;
## MaxOS X hooks.
package Realsync::Darwin;
our @ISA = 'Realsync::Generic';
sub get_notify_daemon_cmd {
my $bin = $BINDIR . '/bin/darwin/notify';
return if !-f $bin;
die "ATTENTION! You must perform:\n chmod +x '$bin'\nto work with RealSync. Please do it now.\n" if !-x $bin;
my $cmd = '"' . $bin . '" "' . main::cfg("local") . '"';
return $cmd;
## Linux hooks.
package Realsync::Linux;
our @ISA = 'Realsync::Generic';
sub get_notify_daemon_cmd {
my $bin = $BINDIR . '/bin/linux/notify';
return if !-f $bin;
die "ATTENTION! You must perform:\n chmod +x '$bin'\nto work with RealSync. Please do it now.\n" if !-x $bin;
my $cmd = '"' . $bin . '" "' . Cwd::abs_path(main::cfg("local")) . '"';
return $cmd;
## End of main script code. Run main() - as late as we can, because
## else "my" variables in sub-modules will not be initialized.
package main;
## Script code which is passed to remote side.
use File::Path qw(rmtree);
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(locale_h strftime);
use IO::Handle;
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
binmode(STDIN); STDIN->autoflush(1);
binmode(STDOUT); STDOUT->autoflush(1);
binmode(STDERR); STDERR->autoflush(1);
my $cwd = readln();
# getcwd() does not support tilde-based pathes, so replace them into
# full user's home directory pathes.
$cwd =~ s{^ ~ ([^/]*) }{
$1? ((getpwnam $1)[7] || $1)
: ($ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid $>)[7] || "")
chdir($cwd) or die "Cannot chdir to $cwd: $!\n";
logger("Remote directory $cwd/ is ready.");
while (1) {
my $change = read_change('STDIN');
eval { apply_change($change) };
logger(" " . $@) if $@;
sub readln {
my $s = <STDIN>;
die "STDIN closed, the remote process is finished.\n" if !defined $s;
return $s;
sub writeln {
my $fh = $_[0];
print $fh $_[1];
print $fh chr(10);
sub logger {
my ($s, $nonl, $notime) = @_;
$s =~ s/\s+$//sg;
$s =~ s/^/strftime("[%H:%M:%S] ", localtime)/meg if !$notime;
print $s . ($nonl ? "" : "\n");
sub read_change {
my ($fh) = @_;
my $change = {};
$change->{type} = readln();
$change->{name} = readln();
$change->{perm} = readln();
$change->{stamp} = readln();
my $len = readln();
logger(sprintf("%.3s: ", uc($change->{type})) . $change->{name} . ($len ? " ($len bytes)" : "") . " - ", 1);
my $data = "";
while (length($data) < $len) {
my $left = $len - length($data);
read($fh, $data, $left, length($data));
logger(" done", 0, 1);
$change->{data} = $data;
return $change;
sub write_change {
my ($fh, $change) = @_;
my $data = undef;
if ($change->{type} eq "fil") {
local $/;
if (!open(local *F, $change->{path})) {
logger("Cannot open $change->{name}: $!; skipped");
$data = <F>;
my $block = join("",
$change->{type}, "\n",
$change->{name}, "\n",
($change->{perm} || ""), "\n",
($change->{stamp} || 0), "\n",
(defined $data ? length($data) : 0), "\n",
(defined $data ? $data : ""), "\n"
print $fh $block or die "Cannot transmit: $!\n";
sub apply_change {
my ($change) = @_;
if ($change->{name} =~ m{^\s+$ | ^\s*/ | \.\.}sx) {
die "Invalid file name: $change->{name}\n";
# Save mtime of the parent directory: we must not modify it automatically
# by files creation, only by request of RealSync. Why? Because the following
# commands may arrive (assume `date` = 2010-02-02):
# DIR a/b 2010-01-05
# FIL a/b/x.txt 2010-01-05
# If we do not save+restore mtime of a/b, OS will reset it to 2010-02-02
# just after a/b/x.txt is created. So we save it.
my $parent = dirname($change->{name});
my @stat = stat($parent);
my $name = $change->{name};
if ($change->{type} eq "fil") {
my $tmp = $name . "." . time() . ".tmp";
open(local *F, ">", $tmp) or die "Cannot create $tmp: $!\n";
print F $change->{data} or die "Cannot write to $tmp: $!\n";
close(F) or die "Cannot close $tmp: $!\n";
if (length($change->{perm})) {
chmod($change->{perm}, $tmp) or die "Cannot chmod $tmp: $!\n";
} else {
chmod((stat $name)[2], $tmp) if -e $name;
rename($tmp, $name) or die "Cannot rename $tmp to $name: $!\n";
} elsif ($change->{type} eq "dir") {
if (!-d $name) {
mkdir($name) or die "Cannot mkdir $name: $!\n";
if (length($change->{perm})) {
chmod($change->{perm}, $name) or die "Cannot chmod $name: $!\n";
} elsif ($change->{type} eq "del") {
if (-e $change->{name}) {
if (-f $change->{name}) {
unlink($change->{name}) or die "Cannot unlink $change->{name}: $!\n";
} else {
rmtree($change->{name}) or die "Cannot rmtree $change->{name}: $!\n";
} else {
die "Invalid change type: $change->{type}\n";
# Apply timestamp changes.
if ($change->{type} ne "del" && $change->{stamp}) {
utime($change->{stamp}, $change->{stamp}, $change->{name}) or die "$change->{type} - Cannot utime $change->{name}: $!\n";
# Restore mtime of the parent directory.
if (@stat) {
utime($stat[9], $stat[9], $parent) or die "Cannot utime parent $parent: $!\n";
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