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Last active March 27, 2020 13:57
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Add ID3 metadata to audio files
import eyed3
import os
import chalk
mp3list = []
prompt = chalk.magenta('> ')
def func():
dir = os.listdir("./")
for file in dir:
if file.endswith(".mp3"):
print(f"mp3 files in current directory: {chalk.cyan(mp3list)}")
load = eyed3.load(input(f"{prompt}Enter a song on your local file system: "))
load.tag.title = input(f"{prompt}Enter a title for this song: ")
load.tag.artist = input(f"{prompt}Enter the artist: ")
load.tag.album = input(f"{prompt}Enter the album: ")
load.tag.track_num = input(f"{prompt}Enter the track number: ")
except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
if OSError:
print(f"mp3 {e}")
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