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changed profile picture because someone complained, so i'll be doopliss now

Kat21 datkat21

changed profile picture because someone complained, so i'll be doopliss now
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datkat21 /
Last active September 22, 2023 03:13

Steam Deck UI sound reference

A list of applicable sounds (and their filenames) can be found below. The sound files could be found at (steam path)/steamui/sounds/.

Sound List (Categories)

There are a few categories of sounds, listed below:


datkat21 /
Last active April 15, 2022 05:07
How to change your organization's location after the new update

Changing a GitHub Organization's Location using cURL and the REST API

Recently, GitHub has made a change to how setting the location on an organization works through the settings page. Now, you cannot set it to a custom location (ex. GitHub Land, Octo World, etc.)

Organization Settings Page

Example of an organization's settings page, notice the Location input being a button and not a textbox. Trying to change this to a custom location results in nothing showing up and only showing the clear button (see image below.)

Location Settings Fail