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Danil Pismenny dapi

Open for offers
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "This app setup app and build environment variables for frontend applications in SafeBlock"
#!/usr/bin/env sh
echo "Generate private key for ${K8S_USER}"
openssl genpkey -out ${PRIVATE_KEY} -algorithm Ed25519
openssl req -new -key ${PRIVATE_KEY} -out ${CSR} -subj "/CN=${K8S_USER},/"
dapi /
Created May 13, 2024 08:13
Copy ssh public key to all AWS instances
aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId,AvailabilityZone:Placement.AvailabilityZone}' --region us-east-1 | \
jq -r '.[] | map({Instance,AvailabilityZone}) | (first | keys_unsorted) as $$keys | map([to_entries[] | .value]) as $$rows | $$keys,$$rows[] | @tsv' | \
grep -v Instance | \
awk '{print "--instance-id", $1, "--availability-zone", $2}' | \
xargs -I@ bash -c "AWS_PAGER= aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key --region us-east-1 @ --instance-os-user ec2-user --ssh-public-key file://~/.ssh/"
ca /etc/ipa/ca.crt
cert server_freeipa.crt
key server_freeipa.key
dh /etc/openvpn/dh.pem
proto udp
## Rely on Docker to do port mapping, internally always 1194
module I18n
extend CurrentVendor
# Implemented to support method call on translation keys
/%\{(\w+)\}/, # matches placeholders like "%{foo}"
/%<(\w+)>(.*?\d*\.?\d*[bBdiouxXeEfgGcps])/, # matches placeholders like "%<foo>.d"
/%\{(\w+)\.(\w+)\}/ # matches placeholders like "%{foo.upcase}"
- hosts: user_systemd
- name: Create users systemd subdirectories
become: yes
become_user: "{{ app_user }}"
path: "/home/{{ app_user }}/.config/systemd/user"
state: directory
mode: 0775
- hosts: all
- name: Create users systemd subdirectories
become: yes
become_user: "{{ app_user }}"
path: "/home/{{ app_user }}/.config/systemd/user"
state: directory
mode: 0775
NetworkId = 56
NoPruning = false
NoPrefetch = false
LightPeers = 100
UltraLightFraction = 75
TrieTimeout = 100000000000
EnablePreimageRecording = false
EWASMInterpreter = ""
EVMInterpreter = ""
dapi / head.html
Last active October 29, 2020 08:07 — forked from klondaiker/head.html
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<title> Cash &amp; Bank Accounts</title>
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## mysqldiff 0.50
## Run on Wed Oct 21 18:42:45 2020
## Options: tolerant, debug=0
## --- db: wordpress_reproduction
## +++ db: test_wordpress
ALTER TABLE aej_bwf_actions CHANGE COLUMN recurring_interval recurring_interval int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; # was int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
ALTER TABLE aej_bwf_actions CHANGE COLUMN status status int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 - Pending | 1 - Running'; # was int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 - Pending | 1 - Running'