What follows is some initial use cases for comparison functionality. They are somewhat hypothetical since most of them apply after an initial green-field substation is deployed and further changes are made. However they also apply to situations associated with standard designs, use of manufacturer ICT tools, firmware upgrades and tracking changes during design.
Use cases associated with specification activities are largely ignored here although are likely of particular interest to European utilities.
- Actor
Setting Designer
- Primary actor
Setting Designer
- Stakeholders
Manufacturers, Risk management reviewer, Quality Assurance process auditors
- Pre-conditions
Change made to ICD file, often in ICT software.
- Triggers
Change made in ICD file, impact on SCD file not clear or ICT software doesn’t provide sufficient information to identify full extent of change
For instance adding functionality in DIGSI 5 typically addings LNodes and LDevices and introduces new types. These are not immediately obvious.
Additionally the changes may affect the file in multiple places including the DataTypeTemplates and the user often wants to see an easy assessment of the differences.
- Basic flow
Setting file changes and user exports corresponding changed ICD file.
Actor wants to understand all changes made. This may include changes in Private elements or custom namespaces.
Actor compares ICD files.
Comparison can be "deep" and should be by default with a single IED as this is not expected to be computationally expensive.
Use is then able to focus on particular elements or areas of interest by looking at the change summary/filter drop down.
Affected SCL Elements |
All |
Exclusions |
None |
one |
Performance Issues |
Not expected |
Almost identical to UC-1 Reviewing ICD Changes |
- Actor
Setting Designer
- Primary actor
Setting Designer
- Stakeholders
- Pre-conditions
Manufacturer releases new device model or upgrade to ICD
- Triggers
Manufacturers release notes often inadequate. Unclear what new capabilities or changes are included in ICD file.
This is for manufacturers where the superset of capabilities are provided in a single file.
- Basic flow
Designer compares ICD files.
Comparison can be "deep" and should be by default with a single IED as this is not expected to be computationally expensive.
Use is then able to focus on particular elements or areas of interest by looking at the change summary/filter drop down.
Affected SCL Elements |
All |
Exclusions |
None |
one |
Future use case for merge requirements. Not developed here. |
- Actor
Network Engineer
- Primary actor
Network Engineer
- Stakeholders
Setting Designers, Site Technicians
- Pre-conditions
Change made to SCD file
- Triggers
Change made to SCD file.
To avoid designers being required to log and list changes it should be a procedural step once a new configuration is completed to identify the required network changes.
In Transpower’s network this will mainly impact on GOOSE and SV traffic which requires explicit network configuration of:
VLANs on a per port basis
MAC address filtering for devices involved in SV publishing and subscriptions
- Basic flow
SCD file changes made.
Network engineer assess whether changes required using comparison tool (possibly could be done by the designer and flagged to the Network Engineer, ideally would be done automatically between revisions of the SCD file and flagged to the network engineer for action as part of a work package management system).
Network engineering is only interested in configuring new ports, VLANs and MAC address filtering for SV traffic. In principle they may be interested in carrying out network bandwidth calculations and may be interested in calculating changes of this but this is not a target for the MVP of the comparison tool.
elements -
elements with a name beginning/containing a certain string (or perhaps with aDataSet
name beginning with a certain string)
Comparison can be shallow for the initial use case (e.g. where we are not calculating bandwidth) and identify changes in the Communication section:
elements for IP traffic -
New or changed
NoteIn SEL devices typically the esel:datasrc
attribute included within thedb
DAI is important for calculating the overall deadband.-
Use is then able to focus on particular elements or areas of interest by looking at the change summary or able to drill down.
Affected SCL Elements (provisional) |
Exclusions |
None |
Namespace |
SCL only |
Include Descriptions |
No |
IEDs |
All |
Performance Issues |
Unlikely to be slow as no referencing required. |
- Actor
Protection & Automation Reviewer, EC Design Reviewer, EC Designer
- Primary actor
Protection & Automation Reviewer
- Stakeholders
Setting Designers, Site Technicians, Auditors
- Pre-conditions
Change made to SCD file between one project and the next
- Triggers
Change made to SCD file. Typically a project has been and produced an SCD file. A new SCD file has been prepared as part of the new project.
- Basic flow
Comparison is done of whole SCD file.
The SCD is now critical to substation function and must be maintained in a high fidelity way across time without loss of data. No unexpected changes of any kind are permitted. The designer’s reviewer should ensure this as part of their contracted deliverables and ISO 9001 QA process. Transpower’s project engineer is also likely to review changes in the SCD as part of ensuring (at a high level) that the changes are consistent with the delivery scope and the changes are in the expected places (broadly).
This comparison would typically be done only a few times during each project:
At key points in the design process to check/demonstrate that no unexpected changes or corruptions have occurred.
At completion of design deliverables for particular components (e.g. transformer protection, line protection, a whole bus)
At completion of all design deliverables before delivery to the client (could be very many changes)
Because these checks are only done infrequently if they are more time consuming it is acceptable.
Affected SCL Elements (provisional) |
All and All references |
Exclusions |
None |
Namespace |
All or Selected Namespaces |
Include Descriptions |
No or Yes |
IEDs |
All |
Performance Issues |
Will be very slow. Server implementation likely required for adequate performance. |
We have not discussed this use case previously and while it seems somewhat straightforward it may be out of scope for the initial MVP for the project. |
This may be quite similar to the kinds of comparisons required for the specification process (e.g. that Burak Tahincioglu from Omicron is interested in) |
- Actor
Protection & Automation Reviewer, EC Design Reviewer, EC Designer
- Primary actor
Protection & Automation Reviewer
- Stakeholders
Setting Designers, Site Technicians, Auditors
- Pre-conditions
Change made to SCD file between one project and the next or a new SCD file.
- Triggers
Change made to SCD file. Typically a project has been and produced an SCD file. A new SCD file has been prepared as part of the new project. It contains one or more new IEDs.
- Basic flow
The premise is that it is useful to ensure the new IEDs match the standard package and that deviations from the standard package are of interest.
The standard might be a comparison with an ICD file but could also be a comparison with a reference design in which devices are instantiated and configured with communications between them. It would also be useful to be able to compare the communications configuration for GOOSE and SV traffic between a reference design and actual design.
The user opens an SCD file and a comparison standard design ICD or SCD file.
The user "matches" the IED named
with the instantiated IED with a different name or perhaps matches multiple IEDs between the site SCD file and the standard design SCD file.From an implementation point of view, this might mean that the IEDs are renamed between the standard design and site SCD file using the appropriate
function prior to the comparison being made. -
The user may wish to then carry out some of the comparisons mentioned in other sections to answer the question:
Has the GOOSE or SV communications changed?
Has the SCADA configuration changed from the standard design? "Is this application of the standard design actually standard?"
Affected SCL Elements (provisional) |
All and All references (or qualified by other use cases, e.g. UC-8 Identification of SCADA relevant changes or UC-5 Project Comparison) |
Exclusions |
None |
Namespace |
All or Selected Namespaces |
Include Descriptions |
No or Yes |
IEDs |
Selected number for a scheme |
Performance Issues |
Will be somewhat slow. Server implementation likely required for adequate performance. |
- Actor
Protection & Automation Reviewer, EC Design Reviewer, EC Designer
- Primary actor
Protection & Automation Reviewer
- Stakeholders
Setting Designers, Site Technicians, Auditors
- Pre-conditions
Change made to SCD file between one project and the next or a new SCD file.
- Triggers
Change made to SCD file. Typically a project has been and produced an SCD file. A new SCD file has been prepared as part of the new project. It contains one or more new IEDs or changes to existing IEDs.
- Basic flow
New IEDs have been added or existing IEDs have been modified.
The protection designer wants to run a narrowly scoped query, "Are all my Protection & Control functions the same or what new functions are there?" and treats the GOOSE and SMV functions as a proxy for this. The remainder of the data model is of little concern (SCADA is someone elses problem and even if it is imperfect as long as protection functions correctly the protection designer would consider it to be a win)
The designer wants to know that:
All network communications are configured correctly
All subscriptions are configured correctly and have not changed for GOOSE and SMV traffic
All new GOOSE and SMV traffic and its addressing can readily be examined
Affected SCL Elements (provisional) |
Exclusions |
Private/Text (?), desc or description attributes |
Namespace |
Include Descriptions |
Yes |
IEDs |
All |
Performance Issues |
May scale poorly for very large files but should generally be performant where we are doing little referencing. Server implementation may be helpful. |
- Actor
RTS (Real Time Systems) Engineer
- Primary actor
RTS (Real Time Systems) Engineer
- Stakeholders
Setting Designers, Site Technicians
- Pre-conditions
Change made to SCD file
- Triggers
Change made to SCD file. Typically SCADA gateway changes may be delivered before all protection and control (read: GOOSE and SV) communications is completed.
If no changes are made to ReportControl elements or the corresponding Communication sections, then there is no change required or need to generate a new SCADA gateway configuration. However without doing a comparison there is currently no way for a designer to know if a change or even inadvertent change has occurred.
- Basic flow
SCD file changes during project delivery process and possibly after initial SCADA gateway configuration generation.
RTS engineer wants to understand if changes made should generate a new gateway configuration. RTS engineer fundamentally is not concerned with changes to Substation section or GOOSE/SMV changes (typically).
RTS engineer compares SCD files, seeking to look at:
elements -
elements with a name beginning/containing a certain string (or perhaps with aDataSet
name beginning with a certain string)
Comparison should be deep (fully dereferencing if possible) to cover some particular known cases but presumed to be many possible cases (illustrative only):
control model (
) changes -
potentially originator category (
) changes -
to include analogue deadband (sometimes relevant information is included within a namespaced element for instance on SEL devices) and relevant parameters, e.g. include:
(deadband)NoteIn SEL devices typically the esel:datasrc
attribute included within thedb
DAI is important for calculating the overall deadband.
User is then able to focus on particular elements or areas of interest by looking at the change summary or able to drill down.
Affected SCL Elements (provisional) |
Exclusions |
Private/Text (?), desc or description attributes |
Namespace |
All or Selected Namespaces |
Include Descriptions |
No |
IEDs |
All |
Performance Issues |
May be slower on large files. Server implementation helpful. |