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Last active October 26, 2022 15:40
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An example of how to use command-line tools to transcribe a viral video of Cardi B

Transcribing Cardi B's political speech with AWS Transcribe and command-line tools

Inspired by the following exchange on Twitter, in which someone captures and posts a valuable video onto Twitter, but doesn't have the resources to easily transcribe it for the hearing-impaired, I thought it'd be fun to try out Amazon's AWS Transcribe service to help with this problem, and to see if I could do it all from the bash command-line like a Unix dork.

Screencap of @jordanuhl's video tweet, followed by a request for a transcript

The instructions and code below show how to use command-line tools/scripting and Amazon's Transcribe service to transcribe the audio from online video. tl;dr: AWS Transcribe is a pretty amazing service!

tl:dr AWS Transcribe is surprisingly accurate and efficient. It took about 2 minutes for it to process a 57-second clip at a cost of less than 2.5 cents. It beats the pants off of what I remember IBM Watson was capable of doing (albeit, from a few years ago).

See the transcribed text here, and the full prettified JSON response here.


And install the following tools (using homebrew, pip, and what-have-you)

  • youtube-dl - for fetching video files from social media services
  • awscli - for accessing various AWS services, specfically S3 (for storing the video and its processed transcription) and Transcribe
  • curl - for downloading from URLs
  • jq - for parsing JSON data
  • ffmpeg - for media file conversion, e.g. extracting mp3 audio from video

The steps

The best way to learn-and-use the command-line is to practice the UNIX philosophy of do one thing and do it well, which requires breaking the process down into individual steps:

The script

So obviously you should not do this as a big ol bash script (or even bash/CLI at all). But I wrote this example up for a talk on how you can learn the CLI by messing around for fun, and this is an elaborate example of the pain you can put yourself through. Maybe later I'll show how to approach it as a novice but this is what it looks like if you're trying to not care too much, but also not wanting it to be too painful:

# Fetch that video and save it to the working directory 
# as `cardib-shutdown.mp4`
youtube-dl --output cardib-shutdown.mp4 \

# extract the audio as a mp3 file
ffmpeg -i cardib-shutdown.mp4 \
    -acodec libmp3lame cardib-shutdown.mp3

# upload the mp3 file to a S3 bucket 
# (and optionally make it publicly readable)
aws s3 cp --acl public-read \
    cardib-shutdown.mp3 s3:// 

# Start the transcription job and specify that the transcription result data
# be saved to a given bucket, e.g.
aws transcribe start-transcription-job \
    --language-code 'en-US' \
    --media-format 'mp3' \
    --transcription-job-name 'cardib-shutdown' \
    --media '{"MediaFileUri": "s3://"}' \
    --output-bucket-name ''

# optionally: use this to check the status of the job before attempting
# to download the transcript
aws transcribe get-transcription-job  \
        --transcription-job-name cardib-shutdown 

# Download the JSON at the expected S3 URL, parse it with jq
# and spit it out as raw text
curl -s \
    | jq '.results.transcripts[0].transcript' --raw-output

Transcription results

Here's what Cardi B said, according to AWS Transcribe, which you can read along with the audio or the original tweet video. I've added some paragraph breaks for easier reading, but the period/sentence-breaks are all from the AWS Transcribe service:

Hey. Yeah. I just want to remind you because there's been a little bit over three weeks, okay? It's been a little bit over three weeks. Trump is now ordering as his some missing federal government workers to go back to work without getting paid.

Now, I don't want to hear your mother focus talking about all but Obama Shut down the government for seventeen days year bitch for health care. So your grandma could check her blood pressure and your business to go take a piss in the gynecologist with no motherfucking problem.

Now, I know a lot of guys don't care because I don't work for the government or your partner. They have a job, but this shit is really fucking serious, bro. This city is crazy. Like a country is in a hell hole right now. All for fucking war. And we really need to take this serious.

I feel that we need to take some action. I don't know what type of actual base because it is not what I do, but I'm scared. This is crazy. And I really feel bad for these people. They got to go to fucking work, to not get motherfucking paid.

For convenience's sake, here's a screenshot of a transcription tweet that @JordanUhl sent out later:

The verdict? Not bad! You can see the word-by-word confidence in the full transcript JSON, but I'm impressed with the simple text output, which contains capitalization of proper nouns (e.g. "Obama") and guesses at where sentences begin, nevermind pretty good understading of Cardi B's Bronx accent. It stumbles for very fast cuss words -- "yall mother fuckas" is "your mother focus" and "check that pussy" becomes "take a piss". But it also manages to accurately transcribe fast and unusual phrases like "in the gynecologist with no motherfucking problem".

How much did it cost? AWS Transcribe charges $0.0004 per second. This clip was 57 seconds. Not counting the S3 upload/stroage fee, the price for transcription comes out to about 2.3 cents

Update [2019-01-24]

Ran a Transcribe job on President Trump's presser today, regarding the shutdown and something about working with groceries and banks. Here's how Transcribe does with multiple speakers (e.g. Trump, and the reporter):

Plaintext of the transcription, with leading/trailing words trimmed, and the reporter's question in italics -- it's pretty good, all things considered.

Ross said that he doesn't understand. What federal workers, we help getting food. You Can you understand that?

I haven't. I haven't heard the statement, but I do understand. And perhaps you should have said it differently. Local people know who they are when they go for groceries and everything else. And I think what Wilbur is probably trying to say is that they will work along. I know banks have working along. If you have mortgages, the mortgages and mortgage, the folks collecting the interest and all of those things, they work along. And that's what happens in time like this. They know the people. They've been dealing with them for years, and they work along the grocery store. And I think that's probably what Wilbur Ross. But I haven't seen a statement, but he's done a great job, I will tell you that.

Update 2019-01-24 Senate debate Sen. Michael Bennett

Thought it'd be worth trying the multiple-speaker identification on this other political video that's floating around Twitter today:

The invocation, following the API's requirements that the max number of possible speakers be specified (I chose 4):

aws transcribe start-transcription-job --language-code 'en-US' --media-format mp3 \
    --settings '{"ShowSpeakerLabels": true, "MaxSpeakerLabels": 4}' \
    --transcription-job-name $FNAME  \
    --media "{\"MediaFileUri\": \"s3://${FNAME}.mp3\"}" \
    --output-bucket-name '' 

Resulting JSON output

Other stuff

"TranscriptionJob": {
"TranscriptionJobName": "cardib-shutdown",
"TranscriptionJobStatus": "COMPLETED",
"LanguageCode": "en-US",
"MediaSampleRateHertz": 44100,
"MediaFormat": "mp3",
"Media": {
"MediaFileUri": "s3://"
"Transcript": {
"TranscriptFileUri": ""
"CreationTime": 1547795428.734,
"CompletionTime": 1547795570.152,
"Settings": {
"ChannelIdentification": false
"TranscriptionJob": {
"TranscriptionJobName": "cardib-shutdown",
"TranscriptionJobStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
"LanguageCode": "en-US",
"MediaFormat": "mp3",
"Media": {
"MediaFileUri": "s3://"
"CreationTime": 1547795428.734
"jobName": "cardib-shutdown",
"accountId": "263510883111",
"results": {
"transcripts": [
"transcript": "Hey. Yeah. I just want to remind you because there's been a little bit over three weeks, okay? It's been a little bit over three weeks. Trump is now ordering as his some missing federal government workers to go back to work without getting paid. Now, I don't want to hear your mother focus talking about all but Obama Shut down the government for seventeen days year bitch for health care. So your grandma could check her blood pressure and your business to go take a piss in the gynecologist with no motherfucking problem. Now, I know a lot of guys don't care because I don't work for the government or your partner. They have a job, but this shit is really fucking serious, bro. This city is crazy. Like a country is in a hell hole right now. All for fucking war. And we really need to take this serious. I feel that we need to take some action. I don't know what type of actual base because it is not what I do, but I'm scared. This is crazy. And I really feel bad for these people. They got to go to fucking work, to not get motherfucking paid."
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"transcript": "Only thing that is necessary to pass a clean bill. Paying the salaries of every man and woman in the Coast Guard is for the Democratic senators to withdraw their objection. Is that correct? That's correct. Thanks. President, center from Colorado. President Seldom, um, you know, rise on this Florida contradict somebody on the other side. I've worked very hard over the years to work in a bipartisan way with the presiding officer with my Republican colleagues. But these crocodile tears and center from Texas is crying for first responders are too hard for me to take. They're too hard for me to take because when you when the senator from Texas shut this government down in twenty thirteen, my state was flooded, it was underwater. People were killed, people's houses were destroyed. They're small businesses were ruined forever. And because of the senator from Texas, this government was shut down for politics that he served two a second place finish in the Iowa caucuses but were of no help. To the first responders to the teachers to the students and schools were closed. With the federal government there was shut down because of the junior senator from Texas. Now it's his business, not my business. Why he supports the president, who wants to erect a medieval barrier on the border of Texas, who wants to use eminent domain to build that wall? Who wants to declare an unconstitutional emerging NT to build that wall? That's the business of the senator from Texas, I can assure you. Then in Colorado, if the president said he was eminent domain to erect a barrier across the state of Colorado across the Rocky mountains of Colorado, he was going to steal the property of our farmers and ranchers to build his medieval wall. There wouldn't be an elected leader from our state that would support that idea. Which goes to my final point. How ludicrous it is that this government is shut down over a promise the President United States couldn't keep. And then America is not interested in having him keep. This idea that he was gonna build a medieval wall across the southern border of Texas. Take it from the farmers and ranchers that were there and have Mexicans take for it is a drug. That's why we're here."
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"content": "that"
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"content": "."
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"status": "COMPLETED"
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dannguyen commented Oct 10, 2020

@briankung sorry I'm dumb. didn't even read my old gist that had the Senate example. Looks like there is speaker identification #file-transcript-senate-bennett-json, but you were asking if it could be embedded with each transcribed item instead of its own object in the JSON that you then have to process/align on your own. Yeah I'd be surprised if they've changed the output format of this transcribe-job API to include that now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Yeah I tried on my own test file, a podcast, and it didn’t include the speaker identification information in the transcribed items. And no worries! Thanks for posting in the first place, helped a lot.

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rlau1115 commented Oct 18, 2020

Thanks for sharing this! Looking to adapt this for a video editing workflow. Do you happen to know if the transcribe API can handle multiple languages at once?

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After poking around with it for a bit, it doesn't seem like it supports multiple languages in a single audio file, but further research may provide more answers. I think you mostly supply a --language-code for the primary language or let it identify the primary language.

What do you mean by multiple languages at once, though?

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rlau1115 commented Oct 19, 2020 via email

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briankung commented Oct 19, 2020 via email

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