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Created July 24, 2023 08:52
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A shortcode that displays the SEO description generated by the Filter Everything Pro plugin
* Adds a shortcode that displays the SEO description generated by the Filter Everything Pro
* plugin. If no description is available, the shortcode will display the default content. An
* an optional 'default' attribute can be used to specify the default content.
* @param array $atts An array of shortcode attributes.
* @return string The shortcode output.
function ps_add_filters_seo_description_shortcode($atts)
// Extract the attributes
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'default' => 'No facets are currently selected.', // Default value if 'default' attribute is not provided
if (class_exists("FilterEverything\Filter\Container")) {
// Get the SEO description
$description = flrt_get_seo_data('description');
// Check if the description is available
if ($description !== false) {
// Wrap the description in the plugin's HTML and return it
return '<div class="wpc-page-seo-description"><p>' . $description . '</p></div>';
} else {
// Return default content wrapped in the plugin's HTML
return '<div class="wpc-page-seo-description"><p>' . $atts['default'] . '</p></div>';
add_shortcode('fe_seo_description', 'ps_add_filters_seo_description_shortcode');
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wagersantonio commented Nov 16, 2024

Thanks for sharing. I shall use it for my website of motorcycle accident of a celebrity. Hope it will make my site to work smoothly. So that user and search engine love it.

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