Here's what I did to get things working.
Yep, over at:
Raven.config(dsn, { | |
dataCallback(data) { | |
const normalize = filename => filename.split('/www/', 2)[1] | |
data.exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames.forEach(frame => { | |
frame.filename = normalize(frame.filename) | |
}) | |
data.culprit = data.exception.values[0].stacktrace.frames[0].filename |
on run {input, parameters} | |
tell application "System Events" | |
set activeApp to name of first process whose frontmost is true | |
end tell | |
set _timestamp to (input as string) | |
tell application activeApp | |
set realDate to ((do shell script "date -r " & _timestamp) as string) |
#!/bin/sh | |
# | |
N="`readlink \"$1\"`" | |
mv -T "$1.stage" "$1" | |
ln -s "$N" "$1.stage" | |
rm -rf "$N" | |
cp -aH "$1" "$N" |
Here's what I did to get things working.
Yep, over at: