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dangerous / gist:6212205b5a43053d783b845aa18814da
Created June 29, 2022 05:42
Testing github gist search 127381973917823897128378219738912
dangerous / gist:98b2b158b5625f837b8bdce43a965b3f
Created October 14, 2021 07:09
First 10000 reddit users sourced from karmalb
1. kn0thing
2. spez
3. third
4. fifth
5. fourth
6. agentorange
7. chickenlittle
8. erzengel
9. fizzypop
10. madmax2
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am dangerous on github.
* I am dangerous ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASBrOXg08uH_1p5TCll7x8XQxDWj7gkk3N91ZigcVSbZRwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
dangerous / monty_hall_modified.rb
Last active July 14, 2016 04:19
Monty Hall problem where host picks randomly - based on
# This class creates a model of the Monty Hall problem.
# It simulates arranging the set with prize/goats, both guest
# and Monty picking a door and then the decision to switch
# or not to switch (and of course, the outcome).
# Each instance of the class ( runs a new
# show. Sample usage code is at the bottom.
class MontyHall
dangerous / gist:7a4ab85fcf38d99e3672
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
Deploying to AWS elastic beanstalk from semaphore
# replace myapp with your application name
# replace ap-myregion-1 with your region name
# replace production with your environment name
# replace mybucket with your bucket name
# See the end of this script for the permissions I needed to give my user at the AWS end
# Finding all the ARNs can be difficult, you can allow them for resource "*" if you are feeling slack
dangerous / gist:371f278fa95377354103
Created October 7, 2014 03:57
Evaluation of different Project Management software

These solutions are all cloud based. For me cloud based is the way to go:

  • Don't have to be on internal network to access it
  • Accessible from phone (whereas internal network generally isn't)
  • No costs associated with hosting, except for monthly subscription
  • Receive updates immediately, particularly security patches
  • No reliance on other departments, much quicker to react to our needs

Pivotal Tracker


  • Cloud based
dangerous / gist:5087905
Created March 5, 2013 04:01
TMUX mouse options
# MOUSE OPTIONS: Note: text-selection by default does a tmux copy (paste with prefix+]).
# Hold alt/meta/option for system selection/copy.
# Enter copy mode and copy a selection by dragging
set-option -g mode-mouse on
# Use the mouse to select the current pane (and pass through the click as normal)
set-option -g mouse-select-pane
# allow panes to be resized by dragging on their borders
set-option -g mouse-resize-pane on
(function(){var a,b,c,d;if(typeof $=="undefined"||$===null)return;d=!1,b=function(){d=!0},a=function(){d=!1},"onpagehide"in window?($(window).on("pageshow",a),$(window).on("pagehide",b)):($(window).on("load",a),$(window).on("beforeunload",b),$(window).on("unload",b)),c=function(){return $.browser!=null&&($.browser.webkit||$.browser.opera||$.browser.msie&&parseInt($.browser.version)>=8||$.browser.mozilla&&parseInt($.browser.version)>=4)&&$.browser.version!=null&&$.browser.version!=="0"}();if(!c)return;window.onerror=function(a,b,c){var e,f;if(d||!c)return;if(b!=null?!b.match(/|!void 0)return;e={message:a,filename:b,lineno:c,url:window.location.href,readyState:document.readyState,referrer:document.referrer,browser:$.browser},$.ajax({type:"POST",url:"/errors",data:{error:e}}),(f=window.errors)==null&&(window.errors=[]),window.errors.push(e)},window.location.hash==="#b00m"&&b00m()}).call(this),function(){var a,b,c;b=function(){function a(a){this.namespace=a,this.stats=[],this.flushT