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Created June 23, 2017 12:57
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>JS Bin</title>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/global/Rx.js"></script>
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<script id="jsbin-javascript">
"use strict";
var pieces = [{ piece: "king", owner: 1, x: 4, y: 0 }, { piece: "king", owner: 0, x: 4, y: 7 }, { piece: "pawn", owner: 1, x: 5, y: 6 }];
// Returns an array of threats if the arrangement of
// the pieces is a check, otherwise false
function isCheck(pieces, player) {
var blackKing = getPiece('king', 1);
var whiteKing = getPiece('king', 0);
function getPiece(name, owner) {
return pieces.find(function (piece) {
return piece.owner == owner && piece.piece == name;
var getMoves = function getMoves(p) {
var x = p.x;
var y = p.y;
var getPawnMoves = function getPawnMoves(p, x, y) {
if (p.owner == 0) {
return [{ x: x + 1, y: y + 1 }, { x: x - 1, y: y + 1 }];
} else {
return [{ x: x + 1, y: y - 1 }, { x: x - 1, y: y - 1 }];
var getRookMoves = function getRookMoves(p, x, y) {
var moves = [];
//move 8 vert and 8 hor - remove any negatives or any greater than 7
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
var newX = {
positive: x + i > 7 ? undefined : x + i,
negative: x - i < 0 ? undefined : x - i
var newY = {
positive: y + i > 7 ? undefined : y + i,
negative: y - i < 0 ? undefined : y - i
if (newX.positive) {
moves.push({ x: newX.positive, y: y });
if (newX.negative) {
moves.push({ x: newX.negative, y: y });
if (newY.positive) {
moves.push({ x: x, y: newY.positive });
if (newY.negative) {
moves.push({ x: x, y: newY.negative });
var getKnightMoves = function getKnightMoves(p, x, y) {};
var getQueenMoves = function getQueenMoves(p, x, y) {};
var getBishopMoves = function getBishopMoves(p, x, y) {};
switch (p.piece) {
case 'pawn':
return getPawnMoves(p, x, y);
case 'rook':
return getRookMoves(p, x, y);
case 'bishop':
return getBishopMoves(p, x, y);
case 'queen':
return getQueenMoves(p, x, y);
case 'knight':
return getKnightMoves(p, x, y);
var isChecking = function isChecking(p, king) {
if (getMoves(p).includes({ x: king.x, y: king.y })) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var getCheckingPieces = function getCheckingPieces() {
var pieces = [];
pieces.forEach(function (p) {
if (isChecking(p, whiteKing)) {
if (isChecking(p, blackKing)) {
return pieces && pieces.length > 0 ? pieces : false;
return getCheckingPieces();
isCheck(pieces, 0);
// Returns true if the arrangement of the
// pieces is a check mate, otherwise false
function isMate(pieces, player) {}
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">var pieces = [
{piece: "king", owner: 1, x: 4, y: 0},
{piece: "king", owner: 0, x: 4, y: 7},
{piece: "pawn", owner: 1, x: 5, y: 6}
// Returns an array of threats if the arrangement of
// the pieces is a check, otherwise false
function isCheck(pieces, player)
let blackKing = getPiece('king', 1);
let whiteKing = getPiece('king', 0);
function getPiece(name, owner) {
return pieces.find(piece => piece.owner == owner && piece.piece == name);
const getMoves = (p) => {
const x = p.x;
const y = p.y;
const getPawnMoves = (p, x, y) => {
if(p.owner == 0){
return [
{x: x+1, y:y+1},
{x: x-1, y:y+1}
return [
{x: x+1, y:y-1},
{x: x-1, y:y-1}
const getRookMoves = (p, x, y) => {
let moves = [];
//move 8 vert and 8 hor - remove any negatives or any greater than 7
for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++){
for(let j =0; j < 8; j++){
let newX = {
positive: x + i > 7 ? undefined : x + i,
negative: x - i < 0 ? undefined : x - i
let newY = {
positive: y + i > 7 ? undefined : y + i,
negative: y - i < 0 ? undefined : y - i
moves.push({x: newX.positive, y: y})
moves.push({x: newX.negative, y: y})
moves.push({x: x, y: newY.positive})
moves.push({x: x, y: newY.negative})
const getKnightMoves = (p, x, y) => {
const getQueenMoves = (p, x, y) => {
const getBishopMoves = (p, x, y) => {
case 'pawn' : return getPawnMoves(p, x, y);
case 'rook' : return getRookMoves(p, x, y);
case 'bishop' : return getBishopMoves(p, x, y);
case 'queen' : return getQueenMoves(p,x,y);
case 'knight' : return getKnightMoves(p, x, y);
const isChecking = (p, king) =>{
if(getMoves(p).includes({x: king.x, y:king.y})){
return true;
else {
return false;
const getCheckingPieces = () => {
let pieces = [];
pieces.forEach(p => {
if(isChecking(p, whiteKing)) {
if(isChecking(p, blackKing)){
return pieces && pieces.length > 0 ? pieces : false;
return getCheckingPieces();
isCheck(pieces, 0)
// Returns true if the arrangement of the
// pieces is a check mate, otherwise false
function isMate(pieces, player)
"use strict";
var pieces = [{ piece: "king", owner: 1, x: 4, y: 0 }, { piece: "king", owner: 0, x: 4, y: 7 }, { piece: "pawn", owner: 1, x: 5, y: 6 }];
// Returns an array of threats if the arrangement of
// the pieces is a check, otherwise false
function isCheck(pieces, player) {
var blackKing = getPiece('king', 1);
var whiteKing = getPiece('king', 0);
function getPiece(name, owner) {
return pieces.find(function (piece) {
return piece.owner == owner && piece.piece == name;
var getMoves = function getMoves(p) {
var x = p.x;
var y = p.y;
var getPawnMoves = function getPawnMoves(p, x, y) {
if (p.owner == 0) {
return [{ x: x + 1, y: y + 1 }, { x: x - 1, y: y + 1 }];
} else {
return [{ x: x + 1, y: y - 1 }, { x: x - 1, y: y - 1 }];
var getRookMoves = function getRookMoves(p, x, y) {
var moves = [];
//move 8 vert and 8 hor - remove any negatives or any greater than 7
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
var newX = {
positive: x + i > 7 ? undefined : x + i,
negative: x - i < 0 ? undefined : x - i
var newY = {
positive: y + i > 7 ? undefined : y + i,
negative: y - i < 0 ? undefined : y - i
if (newX.positive) {
moves.push({ x: newX.positive, y: y });
if (newX.negative) {
moves.push({ x: newX.negative, y: y });
if (newY.positive) {
moves.push({ x: x, y: newY.positive });
if (newY.negative) {
moves.push({ x: x, y: newY.negative });
var getKnightMoves = function getKnightMoves(p, x, y) {};
var getQueenMoves = function getQueenMoves(p, x, y) {};
var getBishopMoves = function getBishopMoves(p, x, y) {};
switch (p.piece) {
case 'pawn':
return getPawnMoves(p, x, y);
case 'rook':
return getRookMoves(p, x, y);
case 'bishop':
return getBishopMoves(p, x, y);
case 'queen':
return getQueenMoves(p, x, y);
case 'knight':
return getKnightMoves(p, x, y);
var isChecking = function isChecking(p, king) {
if (getMoves(p).includes({ x: king.x, y: king.y })) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var getCheckingPieces = function getCheckingPieces() {
var pieces = [];
pieces.forEach(function (p) {
if (isChecking(p, whiteKing)) {
if (isChecking(p, blackKing)) {
return pieces && pieces.length > 0 ? pieces : false;
return getCheckingPieces();
isCheck(pieces, 0);
// Returns true if the arrangement of the
// pieces is a check mate, otherwise false
function isMate(pieces, player) {}
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