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Last active May 15, 2020 14:34
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Tex style input plugin for OSX. Save to your computer and double click the file to install it.This is based on work by Dan Piponi:
ENCODE: Unicode
VALIDINPUTKEY: ^,.?!:;"'/\()[]{}<>$%&@*01234567890123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
alpha α
beta β
gamma γ,Γ
delta δ,Δ
epsilon ε
kappa κ
lambda λ,Λ
mu μ
nu ν
omega ω,Ω
pi π,Π
psi ψ,Ψ
phi φ,Φ
rho ρ
sigma σ,Σ
tau τ
theta θ,Θ
iota ι
upsilon υ,Υ
xi ξ,Ξ
zeta ζ
nabla ∇
hbar ℏ
times ×
otimes ⊗
oplus ⊕
ominus ⊖
odiv ⊘
odot ⊙
bowtie ⋈
le ≤
ge ≥
prec ≺
succ ≻
cdot ·
bullet ∙
ring ∘
ratio ∶
prop ∷
cdots ⋯
bbr ℝ
bbc ℂ
bbn ℕ
bbp ℙ
bbq ℚ
bbz ℤ
div ÷
pm ±
int ∫
oint ∮
iint ∬
iiint ∭
iiiint ⨌
oiint ∯
oiiint ∰
sum ∑
prod ∏
wedge ∧
and ∧
vee ∨
or ∨
neg ¬
perp ⊥
rhd ▷
lhd ◁
triangleleft ◃
triangleright ▹
diamond ⋄
mid ∣
bullet •
blacksquare ▪
qed ▪
infty ∞
forall ∀
exists ∃
nexists ∄
top ⊤
bot ⊥
stile ⊦
dstile ⊧
lsemi ⋉
rsemi ⋊
uplus ⊎
pitchfork ⋔
' ′
'' ″
''' ‴
^1 ¹
^2 ²
^3 ³
^4 ⁴
^5 ⁵
^6 ⁶
^7 ⁷
^8 ⁸
^9 ⁹
^0 ⁰
^- ⁻
_1 ₁
_2 ₂
_3 ₃
_4 ₄
_5 ₅
_6 ₆
_7 ₇
_8 ₈
_9 ₉
_0 ₀
_- ₋
_a ₐ
_e ₑ
_o ₒ
_x ₓ
^x ˣ
^y ʸ
^o º
ast ∗
angle ∠
"o ö
surd √
root √
sqrt √
cbrt ∛
xbar x̄
ftrt ∜
-> →
right →
<- ←
left ←
dright ⇒
=> ⇒
<= ⇐
dleft ⇐
leadsto ↝
supset ⊃
vdash ⊢
cong ≅
~= ≅
equiv ≡
== ≡
nequiv ≢
~ ∼
sim ∼
~~ ≈
n~~ ≉
ll ≪
gg ≫
box □
circ ○
star ⋆
dag †
ddag ‡
mapsto ↦
|-> ↦
propto ∝
cdot ·
aleph א
imath ı
partial ∂
sharp ♯
flat ♭
natural ♮
wp ℘
emptyset ∅
ell ℓ
ldots …
cdots ⋯
urdots ⋰
drdots ⋱
in ∈
nin ∉
qed ∎
subset ⊂
nsubset ⊄
subseteq ⊆
super ⊃
nsuper ⊅
supereq ⊇
ne ≠
n= ≠
langle 〈
rangle 〉
th þ
dh ð
therefore ∴
because ∵
divides ∣
parallel ∥
nparallel ∦
sin sin
cos cos
tan tan
exp exp
log log
max max
min min
sup sup
inf inf
tanh tanh
sinh sinh
cosh cosh
atan atan
asin asin
acos asin
atanh atanh
asinh asinh
acosh acosh
dim dim
ker ker
arg arg
lim lim
a a,A
b b,B
c c,C
d d,D
e e,E
f f,F
g g,G
h h,H
i i,I
j j,J
k k,K
l l,L
m m,M
n n,N
o o,O
p p,P
q q,Q
r r,R
s s,S
t t,T
u u,U
v v,V
w w,W
x x,X
y y,Y
z z,Z
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
+ +
- -
/ /
* *
( (
) )
[ [
] ]
{ {
} }
< <
> >
! !
. .
1/2 ½,
1/3 ⅓
2/3 ⅔s
1/4 ¼
3/4 ¾
1/5 ⅕
2/5 ⅖
3/5 ⅗
4/5 ⅘
1/6 ⅙
5/6 ⅚
1/8 ⅛
3/8 ⅜
5/8 ⅝
7/8 ⅞
planck ℏ
mathcala 𝒜
mathcalb ℬ
mathcalc 𝒞
mathcald 𝒟
mathcale ℰ
mathcalf ℱ
mathcalg 𝒢
mathcalh ℋ
mathcali ℐ
mathcalj 𝒥
mathcalk 𝒦
mathcall ℒ
mathcalm ℳ
mathcaln 𝒩
mathcalo 𝒪
mathcalp 𝒫
mathcalq 𝒬
mathcalr ℛ
mathcals 𝒮
mathcalt 𝒯
mathcalu 𝒰
mathcalv 𝒱
mathcalw 𝒲
mathcalx 𝒳
mathacly 𝒴
mathcalz 𝒵
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