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Last active February 23, 2021 18:57
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Literate Markdown For C++ Programmers

lmt is a tool for extracting text from the code blocks in markdown files. This file demonstrates all the lmt features in a C++-centric way.

Installing lmt

First, install the go language if you don't have it (homebrew: brew install go).

Then build the tool. The following assumes you have a ~/bin directory in your PATH:

git clone
cd lmt
go build -o ~/bin


To observe lmt at work, put this file in an empty directory, cd to that directory, and lmt Now look in the directory and you'll see extracted files extracted from the code blocks alongside this markdown file. In literate programming lingo, this extraction is (somewhat counterintuitively) called “tangling.”

Tangling into a file.

The markup for the code block below starts with ​```cpp hello.cpp +=:


int main() {
    <<<body of main>>>

The header says 3 things:

  1. cpp: the code block is written in C++. In the rendered markdown output, that affects syntax highlighting, to lmt it means that language-appropriate #line directives will be added so that when debugging the extracted code, your debugger will show you the line in the original source markdown file. (If you don't want this effect, just use an unrecognized language name like cxx).
  2. hello.cpp: The code block will be written to the file hello.cpp.
  3. +=: The code block will be appended to that file, rather than overwriting its content. Since we haven't written anything to hello.cpp yet, the effect is the same, but since overwriting the code you've already extracted is kind of a nice case, to enable developing examples like those in lmt's own source, you might want to use += by default.

Macro References

The <<<string>>> sequences in the body of the code block are called “macro references.” An LMT “macro” is just a variable whose value can be extracted from one or more code blocks, and will be substituted wherever its name appears in triple angle brackets.

Macro Content

The markup for the code block below starts with ​```cpp "body of main"

std::cout << "Hello, werld!" << std::endl;

The double quotes around body of main mean that the code block will be extracted into a macro of that name. You can see where its value will be injected into hello.cpp via <<<body of main>>>, above. Since there's no += at the end of the block's first line of markup, this code block overwrites any existing value the macro might already have (but since it has no existing value, it's a wash).

Appending To A Macro

We can use #includes to demonstrate += on macros. There are two includes in this program. The markup for the following block starts with ​```cpp "includes", which causes the (empty) value of the includes macro to be overwritten.

#include <iostream>

The markup for the next code block, however, starts with ​```cpp "includes" +=, which causes the block to be appended to the includes macro.

#include <numeric>

Its value is now:

#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>

(the code block above is not being tangled).

Hidden content.

The raw markdown in this file contains a comment containing a code block with a copyright notice. It looks a bit like this one:

```cpp "copyright"
// Copyright 42 BCE not the actual copyright

If you're reading the rendered markdown in your browser, you can't see the actual comment, but it still gets tangled into the copyright macro, which is substituted into hello.cpp by the <<<copyright>>> macro reference. This technique lets you tangle content that you don't want showing up in the documentation.

What Tangles and What Doesn't.

We can tangle into a random data file (​```csv data.csv)

foo, bar, baz,
qix, qux, quux,

You need to specify both a file type and a destination (macro or file)if you want the code block tangled:

No file type (​``` bar.txt—note the space):

This doesn't get tangled anywhere

No destination (​```cpp):

auto x = "nor does this";

But any file type string and filename (​```arbitrary foo.txt) will do

This gets tangled
into foo.txt.
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