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Last active April 10, 2017 06:38
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  • Save d3x0r/676472ec942d96b98ecd06d2c6e1085b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<CANVAS width="500" height="500" ID="drawMe" ></CANVAS>
var drawTo = document.getElementById( "drawMe" );
var ctx = drawTo.getContext( "2d" );
// something
var points = [];
const POINTS = 800;
for( n = 0; n < POINTS; n++ )
points.push( {x:Math.sin( 2*3.14159 / POINTS * n ), y:Math.cos( 2*3.14159 / POINTS * n ) } );
if( n === 0 ) ctx.moveTo( points[n].x * 250+250, points[n].y * 250+250 );
else ctx.lineTo( points[n].x * 250+250, points[n].y * 250+250 );
const SCAN_POINTS = 50;
var scanPoints = [];
for( n = 0; n < SCAN_POINTS; n++ ) {
for( m = 0; m < SCAN_POINTS;m++ ) {
var N = ( 2.0 / SCAN_POINTS * n ) - 1.0;
var M = ( 2.0 / SCAN_POINTS * m ) - 1.0;
if( ( Math.sqrt(N*N+M*M) > 1.01 )
|| ( Math.sqrt(N*N+M*M) < 0.99 ) )
scanPoints.push( { x: N, y:M} );
scanPoints.forEach( testPoint=>{
//var testPoint = { x:0.8, y:0 };
var delF= { x : 0, y : 0 };
//ctx.strokeStyle="#00"+((((testPoint.x+1)/2)*255)|0).toString(16) + ((((testPoint.y+1)/2)*255)|0).toString(16) ;
// Fill with gradient
points.forEach( p=>{
var del = { x: testPoint.x - p.x, y: testPoint.y - p.y };
var r = Math.sqrt( (del.x*del.x)+(del.y*del.y) )
var gr = -0.01 / (r*r);
del.x = del.x / r; del.y = del.y / r; // normalized direction vector.
delF.x += gr * del.x;
delF.y += gr * del.y;
var a,b,c,d;
a=testPoint.x*250+250; b=testPoint.y*250+250;
c=(testPoint.x*250+250) + (delF.x*1+1);
d=(testPoint.y*250+250) + (delF.y*1+1);
var gradient=ctx.createLinearGradient(a,b,c,d);
ctx.moveTo( a, b );
ctx.lineTo( c, d );
//ctx.lineTo( 500, 250 );
//console.log( testPoint, delF );
} );
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