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Created October 9, 2020 00:32
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Typescript converted file
const quoteContainer = document.getElementById('quote-container');
const loader = document.getElementById('loader');
const quoteText = document.getElementById('quote');
const authorText = document.getElementById('author');
const twitterBtn = document.getElementById('twitter');
const newQuoteBtn = document.getElementById('new-quote');
interface QuoteData {
quoteAuthor: string;
quoteText: string;
quoteLink?: string;
senderLink?: string;
senderName?: string;
const showContentLoader = () => {
if (loader && quoteContainer) {
loader.hidden = false;
quoteContainer.hidden = true;
const hideContentLoader = () => {
if (loader && quoteContainer) {
if (!loader.hidden) {
quoteContainer.hidden = false;
loader.hidden = true;
// Get quote from API
const getQuote = async () => {
const proxyUrl = ''
const apiUrl = ``;
try {
const response = await fetch(proxyUrl + apiUrl);
const data: QuoteData = await response.json();
if (authorText && quoteText) {
// default to annoynmous if there is no author
data.quoteAuthor === ''
? authorText.innerText = 'Anoynmous'
: authorText.innerText = data.quoteAuthor;
// Dynamically change text size
data.quoteText.length > 120
? quoteText.classList.add('long-quote')
: quoteText.classList.remove('long-quote');
quoteText.innerText = data.quoteText;
// show quote
} catch (error) {
// Tweet quote
const tweetQuote = () => {
if (quoteText && authorText) {
const quote = quoteText.innerText;
const author = authorText.innerText;
const twitterUrl = `${quote} - ${author}`;, '_blank');
// Hook up the new tweet event
if (newQuoteBtn && twitterBtn) {
newQuoteBtn.addEventListener('click', getQuote);
twitterBtn.addEventListener('click', tweetQuote);
// OnLoad
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