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Created October 17, 2013 22:14
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Test for saving async polymorphic associations
test("The store can save an async polymorphic belongsTo association", function() {
ajaxResponse({ my_post: { id: "1", name: "Awesome" } });
var post = store.push('myPost', { id: "1", name: "OMG" });
var comment = store.createRecord('myComment', { id: "2", name: "Awesome"});
comment.set('message', post); {
ajaxParams = lastAjaxCall();
equal(ajaxParams.passedUrl, "/my_comments");
equal(ajaxParams.passedVerb, "POST");
deepEqual(, { my_comment: { id: "2", name: "Awesome", message: {id: "1", type: "my_post"}, user_id: null } });
equal(comment.get('isDirty'), false, "the post isn't dirty anymore");
equal(comment.get('name'), "Awesome", "the post was updated");
test("The store can save an async polymorphic hasMany association", function() {
my_user: {
id: "1",
name: "Cedric Fluck",
messages: [{
type: "my_comment",
id: 2
var comment = store.push('myComment', {id: 2, name: "OMG!!"});
var user = store.createRecord('myUser', {name: "Cyril Fluck"});
user.get('messages').pushObject( comment ); {
ajaxParams = lastAjaxCall();
equal(ajaxParams.passedUrl, "/my_users");
equal(ajaxParams.passedVerb, "POST");
deepEqual(, { my_user: { name: "Cyril Fluck" }});
equal(user.get('isDirty'), false, "the user isn't dirty anymore");
equal(user.get('id'), "1", "the user was updated");
equal(user.get('messages.length'), 1, "The user still has one message");
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