This is my atom (Version 1.48) setup for PHP develpment in a mac (updated for BigSur).
defaultLanguage: "php"
fontFamily: "JetBrains Mono, Menlo, Consolas, DejaVu Sans Mono, monospace"
maxScreenLineLength: 999
nonWordCharacters: "/\\()\"':,.;<>~!@#%^&*|+=[]{}`?-…"
softTabs: false
tabLength: 4
tabType: "hard"
I like JetBrain's Mono as my editor font.
atom-ide-ui Required for ide-php
atom-nst My very own package that creates a pane to browse code symbols.
multi-cursor Move cursos to a new location and press alt-up
to add cursor and alt-down
to remove it.
atom-tag-wrapper Select some text, press alt-shift-w
to start creating a tag.
ide-php Adds PHP syntax check for atom.
advanced-open-file Provides an easier approach to open files using a combination of paths and browsing.
project-manager Provides the means to save and reopen projects.
open-files Displays open files above the tree view.
You need nodejs installed. You can install it using Homebrew brew install nodejs
Download the package to your ~/.atom
cd ~/.atom/packages
git clone your_package
cd your_package
npm install
Use cmd-R
to jump to a symbol (function, class, etc).
Use ctrl-m
to jump to the bracket matching the one adjacent to the cursor. It jumps to the nearest enclosing bracket when there's no adjacent bracket.
Use ctrl-cmd-m
to select all the text inside the current brackets.
Use alt-up
to a a second cursor above and alt-down
to create it under.
Use cmd-shift-L
to create a multi cursos for the entire selection.
Using actual tabs. In Editor I set "Tab Type" to hard and "Tab Length" to 4.
By default Atoms enables the "Pending Pane Items" which allow to preview files instead of going directly into editing. This means that clicking an item in the tree-view will open in a preview pane instead of just selecting it, like most editors do. It is also annoying that it reuses the same pane.
I disable this setting in the "Core Settings" by unchecking the "Allow Pending Pane Items".
Whenever something you type matches a suggestion and the autocomplete is shown if you press "Enter or Tab" the first suggestion is used.
For me this is super annoying. You can change the key binding in your settings, for me I disable the keymap. You will find this setting in Settings/Packages look for "Autocomplete Plus" then go to "Keymap For Confirming a Suggestion".
'ctrl-alt-up': 'command-palette:toggle'
'ctrl-alt-down': 'command-palette:toggle'
# 'shift-cmd-O': 'application:add-project-folder'
'shift-cmd-O': 'advanced-open-file:toggle'
'ctrl-alt-left': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-next-paragraph'
'ctrl-alt-right': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-previous-paragraph'
'ctrl-alt-shift-left': 'editor:select-to-beginning-of-next-paragraph'
'ctrl-alt-shift-right': 'editor:select-to-beginning-of-previous-paragraph'
'.platform-darwin atom-text-editor':
'cmd-9': 'bookmarks:toggle-bookmark'
'ctrl-9': 'bookmarks:jump-to-next-bookmark'
'.platform-darwin body':
'shift-cmd-O': 'advanced-open-file:toggle'
'.platform-darwin atom-workspace':
'shift-cmd-O': 'advanced-open-file:toggle'