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this planet is a super awesome joke
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thesamesam /
Last active January 18, 2025 00:10
xz-utils backdoor situation (CVE-2024-3094)

FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor (CVE-2024-3094)

This is a living document. Everything in this document is made in good faith of being accurate, but like I just said; we don't yet know everything about what's going on.


On March 29th, 2024, a backdoor was discovered in xz-utils, a suite of software that

RobinLinus /
Last active November 11, 2024 01:03
zkCoins: A payment system with strong privacy and scalability, combining a client-side validation protocol with validity proofs


Edit: here you can find our research paper describing the protocol more in-depth.

zkCoins is a novel blockchain design with strong privacy and scalability properties. It combines client-side validation with a zero-knowledge proof system. The chain is reduced to a minimum base layer to prevent double spending. Most of the verification complexity is moved off-chain and communicated directly between the individual sender and recipient of a transaction. There are very few global consensus rules, which makes block validation simple. Not even a global UTXO set is required.

In contrast to zk-rollups there is no data availability problem, and no sequencer is required to coordinate a global proof aggregation. The protocol can be implemented as an additional layer contained in Bitcoin's blockchain (similar to RGB[^5] or Taro[^6]) or as a standalone sidechain.

The throughput scales to hundreds of transactions per

I need to geotag every photo from trip to .gpx track, but GPX Logger accidentaly stopped. Luckly, i has turned on Google location history.

  1. Takeout location history from google.
  2. Extract .json file
  3. trigger the following commands
git clone

py location-history-json-converter-master/ -f gpx -s 2017-05-06 -e 2017-05-07 "Takeout/Location History/Records.json" "Takeout/Location History/Records.gpx"
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# $ ./
# Match between the reverse engineered vaccine and the Biontech Pfizer vaccine when using codon optimization for species:
# * Homo sapiens: 91.07%
# * Mus musculus molossinus (Japanese wild mouse): 91.42% (laboratory mice are usually of the species mus musculus)
# The Times 01/Jan/2021 Nakamoto's wild mouse on brink of saving humanity
import dnachisel
C ='__CODE__').last.lines.drop(1).grep(/^[^#]/).join.split
# puts C.join.size+3+11+9+15+13+1
def at_exit;end
def sleep(n=nil);end
def $>.<< s
STDOUT.write s
cc = nil
s.gsub! "\e[1;1H", '' s.gsub('C', 'cc')
File.write 'output.rb',"\n") if cc.join =~ /t=96/
tompng / template.txt
Last active July 27, 2019 13:17
自己紹介用コード(moved to
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Important contribution instructions: If you add new content, please ensure that for any notebook you link to, the link is to the rendered version using nbviewer, rather than the raw file. Simply paste the notebook URL in the nbviewer box and copy the resulting URL of the rendered version. This will make it much easier for visitors to be able to immediately access the new content.

Note that Matt Davis has conveniently written a set of bookmarklets and extensions to make it a one-click affair to load a Notebook URL into your browser of choice, directly opening into nbviewer.

pawlos /
Last active January 3, 2019 01:11 — forked from waleedahmad/
Ubuntu post installation script for installing software of your choice.
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "This script must be run as root"
exit 1
user=$(who | awk '{print $1}')
#Update and Upgrade
echo "Updating and Upgrading"
marnix135 /
Created January 2, 2018 12:01
Simple RSA implementation in Python
import random
import math
class RSA:
def __init__(self):
self.e = self.d = self.p = self.q = self.phi = 0
def __egcd(self, a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
Simple test harness for AFL's Unicorn Mode.
This loads the simple_target.bin binary (precompiled as MIPS code) into
Unicorn's memory map for emulation, places the specified input into
simple_target's buffer (hardcoded to be at 0x300000), and executes 'main()'.
If any crashes occur during emulation, this script throws a matching signal
to tell AFL that a crash occurred.
Run under AFL as follows: