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Last active November 7, 2023 16:21
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macOS Binary cookies file format

Binary cookies file format

Browsers and other macOS applications use the NSHTTPCookieStorage API to store cookies. The API writes .binarycookies files in a specialized binary format. The binary file format has the following structure:

Bytes Format Description
4 text magic number ('cook')
4 uint32 BE page count (np)
*4 [i] uint32 BE page i data size S, bytes; *repeat np times
*S [i] bytes page i contents; *repeat np times
4 uint32 BE checksum (see below)
4 bytes footer (07 17 20 05 hex)
4 uint32 BE policy size, bytes (ps)
ps bytes binary NSHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy message

Each page has the following format:

Bytes Format Description
4 bytes magic number (00 00 01 00 hex)
4 uint32 LE cookie count (nc)
*4 [i] uint32 LE cookie i offset; *repeat nc times
4 uint32=0 footer (value 0)
... (cookie) cookie records

Each cookie has the following format:

Bytes Format Description
4 uint32 LE cookie record size, bytes (incl. size field)
4 uint32 LE unknown meaning; usually zero
4 uint32 LE flag bitmap (see "Flags" below)
4 uint32 LE unknown meaning; usually zero
4 uint32 LE offset of URL string
4 uint32 LE offset of name string
4 uint32 LE offset of path string
4 uint32 LE offset of value string
8 uint64=0 end marker (value 0)
8 float64 LE expires; seconds since 01-Jan-2001 00:00:00 UTC
8 float64 LE created; seconds since 01-Jan-2001 00:00:00 UTC
nd strings NUL-terminated strings for field values

The field values for a cookie may be packed in any order.


The checksum is computed over the binary encoding of each page. The checksum for a page is the integer sum of the bytes at offset multiples of 4 (0, 4, 8, ...). The checksum of the file is the sum of the page checksums.


The lower-order 3 bits of the flags are a bitmap of Boolean flags:

Bit Description
0 Secure
1 (unknown)
2 HTTPOnly

The next three bits (3-5) describe the SameSite policy for the cookie:

Value Description
4 (0b100) None (no restrictions; also the default)
5 (0b101) Lax
7 (0b111) Strict
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A lot of this seems to be wrong. There is no end marker, that's a comment and comment_url. They just so happen to be \0 in your case.

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