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Created August 9, 2020 03:09
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Kata 11 - Change Calculator
const calculateChange = function(total, cash) {
// c(hange)
let c = {
twentyDollar : 0,
tenDollar : 0,
fiveDollar : 0,
twoDollar : 0,
oneDollar : 0,
quarter : 0,
dime : 0,
nickel : 0,
penny : 0
// c(urrent)O(wed)
let cO = cash - total;
switch (true) {
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 2000) !== 0):
c.twentyDollar = Math.floor(cO / 2000);
cO = cO - c.twentyDollar * 2000;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 1000) !== 0):
c.tenDollar = Math.floor(cO / 1000);
cO = cO - c.tenDollar * 1000;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 500) !== 0):
c.fiveDollar = Math.floor(cO / 500);
cO = cO - c.fiveDollar * 500;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 200) !== 0):
c.twoDollar = Math.floor(cO / 200);
cO = cO - c.twoDollar * 200;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 100) !== 0):
c.oneDollar = Math.floor(cO / 100);
cO = cO - c.oneDollar * 100;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 25) !== 0):
c.quarter = Math.floor(cO / 25);
cO = cO - c.quarter * 25;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 10) !== 0):
c.dime = Math.floor(cO / 10);
cO = cO - c.dime * 10;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 5) !== 0):
c.nickel = Math.floor(cO / 5);
cO = cO - c.nickel * 5;
case (cO > 0) && (Math.floor(cO / 5) !== 0):
c.nickel = Math.floor(cO / 5);
cO = cO - c.nickel * 5;
c.penny = cO / 1;
cO = cO - c.penny * 1;
// sanitize c(hange) array
for (let val in c) {
c[val] === 0 && (delete c[val]);
return c;
console.log(calculateChange(1787, 2000));
console.log(calculateChange(2623, 4000));
console.log(calculateChange(501, 1000));
valid denominations are as follows:
Twenty dollars (2000)
Ten dollars (1000)
Five dollars (500)
Two dollars (200)
One dollar (100)
Quarter (25)
Dime (10)
Nickel (5)
Penny (1)
Expected Output
{ twoDollar: 1, dime: 1, penny: 3 }
{ tenDollar: 1, twoDollar: 1, oneDollar: 1, quarter: 3, penny: 2 }
{ twoDollar: 2, quarter: 3, dime: 2, penny: 4 }
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