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Created November 18, 2024 18:57
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A buffered Effection channel that exerts backpressure on the sender so that a maximum number of subscribers can be working on it at a time.
import { Operation, Channel, resource, Subscription, createChannel } from "./mod.ts";
export function createBufferedChannel<T, TDone>(max: number): Operation<Channel<T,TDone>> {
return resource(function* (provide) {
// the unbuffered channel.
let input = createChannel<T, TDone>();
// this channel is used to send whenever a working slot becomes available
let available = createChannel<void, never>();
// a set of markers indicating which subscribers are currently working.
// where working is defined as haveing gotten the next item from `next()`, but
// not yet asked for the one beyond that.
let working = new Set<object>();
let subscribe: Operation<Subscription<T,TDone>> = resource(function*(provide) {
let unbuffered = yield* input;
let marker = {};
function addWorker() {
function* removeWorker() {
yield* available.send()
try {
yield* provide({
// this subscription registers itself with each turn of `next()` as "working"
// and notifies the main channel to check if there is availability to send another
// value.
*next() {
yield* removeWorker();
let next = yield*;
if (next.done) {
return next;
} else {
return next;
} finally {
yield* removeWorker();
let availability = yield* available;
yield* provide({
// blocks until there are less than `max` subscribers currently working
*send(value) {
while (working.size >= max) {
yield* input.send(value);
// blocks until all work has been completed.
*close(value) {
yield* input.close(value);
while (working.size > 0) {
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