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Created April 6, 2011 12:10
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Save cowboy/905546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finder Open iTerm Here: Drop a folder on this script (or just run it) to open a new iTerm window there. If the selected item isn't a folder, it will open the item's parent folder. Great when bound to a hotkey in FastScripts or added to the Finder Sidebar
* Finder Open iTerm Here - v1.0.2 - 4/14/2011
* Copyright (c) 2011 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
tell application "Finder"
set mySelected to get selection as list
if (count of mySelected) is not 0 then
set myItem to first item of mySelected
if class of myItem is alias file then
set myItem to original item of myItem
end if
if class of myItem is in {file, document file, internet location file} then
set myItem to container of myItem
end if
else if the (count of window) is not 0 then
set myItem to folder of the front window
set myItem to path to desktop folder
end if
my open_iTerm(myItem)
end tell
on open these_items
my open_iTerm(first item of these_items)
end open
on open_iTerm(myItem)
set myPath to quoted form of POSIX path of (myItem as string)
tell application "iTerm"
if the (count of terminal) is 0 then
set myTerm to make new terminal
set myTerm to the current terminal
end if
tell myTerm
launch session "Default Session"
tell the last session to write text "cd " & myPath
end tell
end tell
end open_iTerm
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@pferdefleisch Here’s how you can change any application/file/folder’s icon on OS X:

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Thanks man. I was inspired by this and created an "Open in Vim" finder link. I used Icon Composer.
Here's my finder bar now.

and a gist to the Vim opener
This is for mvim in vi mode in iTerm. I like to be able to drop down to the command line super fast (hence not mvim in window mode).
Thanks again @cowboy and @mathiasbynens

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I'll totally start a repo of these if i have time this week!

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I love this, but for the fact that the newly created iTerm tab/window shows the "cd" command - I'd much prefer it if the iTerm window was created already in the specified directory. I've tried modifying the AppleScript to do this, but can't figure it out. Any pointers? Clearing the screen is one option, but then you don't get the MOTD / log in prompt...

Update: The exec command documented on the iTerm2 FAQ Page seems like the right thing, but I can't seem to get it to work. Eg, if I change line 44 to read tell the last session to exec command ("cd " & myPath) nothing happens. Anyone able to shed some light on this?

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Oh, I also added

    tell application "System Events"
        key code 111 # press F12
    end tell

at line 46 to press F12 and show my guake-style terminal :)

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pystone commented May 10, 2013

There is no need to use Xcode. AppleScript can easily turn the codes to .app.

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tekwiz commented Jun 25, 2013

@cowboy Can you tell me if this script was originally written for OS X 10.7 beta compatibility, or were you running 10.6? (trying to figure out compatibility of this code in the Sublime Terminal plugin for Sublime Text

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tucq88 commented Aug 28, 2015

If I installed iTerm via Homebrew Cask, this script doesn't work to me :( Anybody help please ?

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@tucq88 I forked this to make it compatible with iTerm2-v3 (version number 2.9). Link:

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