Save corny/7a07f5ac901844bd20c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/sh -e | |
hostname=$1 | |
device=$2 | |
file=$HOME/.dynv6.addr6 | |
[ -e $file ] && old=`cat $file` | |
if [ -z "$hostname" -o -z "$token" ]; then | |
echo "Usage: token=<your-authentication-token> [netmask=64] $0 your-name.dynv6.net [device]" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
if [ -z "$netmask" ]; then | |
netmask=128 | |
fi | |
if [ -n "$device" ]; then | |
device="dev $device" | |
fi | |
address=$(ip -6 addr list scope global $device | grep -v " fd" | sed -n 's/.*inet6 \([0-9a-f:]\+\).*/\1/p' | head -n 1) | |
if [ -e /usr/bin/curl ]; then | |
bin="curl -fsS" | |
elif [ -e /usr/bin/wget ]; then | |
bin="wget -O-" | |
else | |
echo "neither curl nor wget found" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
if [ -z "$address" ]; then | |
echo "no IPv6 address found" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
# address with netmask | |
current=$address/$netmask | |
if [ "$old" = "$current" ]; then | |
echo "IPv6 address unchanged" | |
exit | |
fi | |
# send addresses to dynv6 | |
$bin "http://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$hostname&ipv6=$current&token=$token" | |
$bin "http://ipv4.dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$hostname&ipv4=auto&token=$token" | |
# save current address | |
echo $current > $file |
can be fix by adding | head -n 1)
Hi there, could you please tell a noob, at which position? I added it behind the URI and it didnt work
dynv6.sh: line 23: ` echo "$(date): $(curl -k "https://dynv6.com/api/update?token=${token}&zone=${zone}&ipv6=${newIpV6}")" | tee -a $logfile | head -n 1)'
Edit: I've read your comment with more care and figured it out. it should be like this:
newIpV6=$(ip -6 addr show scope global | grep inet6 | sed -e 's/^.*inet6 \([^ ]*\)\/.*$/\1/;t;d' | head -n 1)
This is my script (bash), free to use:
bin="curl -fsS"
ipv4=dig TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | cut -f2 -d'"'
ipv6=dig -6 TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | cut -f2 -d'"'
echo "My Ipv6: "$ipv6
echo ""
if [[
echo "Updating $fqdn (ipv6)..."
$bin "http://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$fqdn&ipv6=$ipv6&token=$token"
echo ""
echo "Invalid IPv6 address"
echo "My IPv4: "$ipv4
echo ""
if [[
echo "Updating $fqdn (ipv4)..."
$bin "http://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$fqdn&token=$token&ipv4=$ipv4"
echo "Invalid IPv4 address"
echo "End of DNS records update!"
exit 0
Here is a node.js implementation of the script, that can be built into an executable with pkg and scheduled using Systemd/Windows Task Scheduler
const os = require('os');
const ip6addr = (os.networkInterfaces())['Ethernet'][1]['address'];
const domain = '<domain>';
const username = '<token>';
const url = `https://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=${domain}&token=${username}&ipv6=${ip6addr}`;
fetch(url, {
method: 'GET'
}).then((response) => {
response.text().then((data) => {
}).catch((error) => {
Like @slyfunky ... I Found my self with a bunch of linux-like scripts...
If you are trying to host with windows, take a look to this repo: https://github.com/slyfunky/Pango/blob/main/DNS.bat
I liked a lot your ideas, like getting dynamically the public ipv4.
Heres is my powershell code:
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Currenty Only support for ipv4.
# zone / hostname
$hostname = $env:SERVICE_HOSTNAME
# HTTP Token got form https://dynv6.com/keys
$httpToken = $env:DYNV6_HTTP_TOKEN
# some service that returns your public ipv4
$publicIpProvider = $env:PUBLIC_IPv4_PROVIDER_SERVICE
if (-not $hostname) {
Write-Error "The environment variable 'SERVICE_HOSTNAME' is empty. Please set it before running the script."
exit 1
if (-not $httpToken) {
Write-Error "The environment variable 'DYNV6_HTTP_TOKEN' is empty. Please set it before running the script."
exit 1
if (-not $publicIpProvider) {
Write-Error "The environment variable 'PUBLIC_IPv4_PROVIDER_SERVICE' is empty. Please set it before running the script."
exit 1
# call to public ip provider
$publicIpProviderResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $publicIpProvider -ErrorAction Stop
# check the response status code
if ($publicIpProviderResponse.StatusCode -ne 200) {
Write-Error "Request failed with status code: $($response.StatusCode)"
Write-Error "Try with other value for PUBLIC_IPv4_PROVIDER_SERVICE"
exit 1
# get ipv4
$ipv4 = $publicIpProviderResponse.Content
# dynv6 http api ipv4 url
$dynv6HTTPApiIpv4 = "https://ipv4.dynv6.com/api/update?ipv4=$ipv4&zone=$hostname&token=$httpToken"
$dynv6Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $dynv6HTTPApiIpv4 -ErrorAction Stop
I test it on my RPI4b,Which
ip -6 addr show scope global | grep inet6 | sed -e 's/^.inet6 ([^ ])/.*$/\1/;t;d'
will output two AAAA addr,and this script output error like this:
curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
Sun 05 Feb 2023 09:45:55 AM CST:
can be fix by adding | head -n 1)