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Created March 25, 2010 01:30
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  • Save coolaj86/343056 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save coolaj86/343056 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Protect the global namespace
// Create a static scope
var a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3;
d = 4;
// Create a fun little object to toy with
var Obj = new function(){
var b = 5; // this private 'b' takes precedence its namesake in the closure
this.c = 6; // this public 'c' doesn't obstruct the 'c' above
var doStuff = function(){ console.log('doing stuff'); };
this.doMoreStuff = function(){ console.log('doing more stuff'); };
function doEvenMoreStuff(){ console.log('doing even more stuff!!!'); };
this.getErDone = function(){ console.log("Get 'er Done!"); return doEvenMoreStuff(); };
var d = d; // this would probably be undefined due to 'hoisting'
var e = a; // e is set to 1
window.Obj = Obj;
// A more differenter scope
str = JSON.stringify;
var funky = function(d){
var i;
//arr = [a,b,c,this.c,d];
arr = [this.c,d];
for (i in arr) {
window.funky = funky;
// What will the output look like?,100);
//Firefox Firebug says:
>>> 6
>>> 100
>>> doing more stuff
>>> Get 'er Done!
>>> doing even more stuff!!!
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