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Created February 4, 2014 00:26
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import string
import time
def sliceAt(s, i):
return s[:i] + "[" + s[i] + "]" + s[i + 1:]
def hasSubstring1(key, text):
return key in text
def hasSubstring2(key, text):
if key == "":
return True
while(len(key) <= len(text)):
if key == text[:len(key)]:
return True
text = text[1:]
return False
def hasSubstring3(key, text):
if key == "":
return True
for i in range(len(text) - len(key) + 1):
if text[i:i + len(key)] == key:
return True
return False
def hasSubstring4(key, text):
if key == "":
return True
for i in range(len(text) - len(key) + 1):
isSubstring = True
for j in range(len(key)):
if key[j] != text[i + j]:
isSubstring = False
if isSubstring:
return True
return False
def kmp(key, text):
# 1. Compute Table
table = [0] * len(key)
for i in range(2, len(key)):
nextPartialMatch = table[i - 1]
while(1 == 1):
if key[nextPartialMatch] == key[i - 1]:
table[i] = nextPartialMatch + 1
if (nextPartialMatch == 0):
table[i] = 0
nextPartialMatch = table[nextPartialMatch]
# 2. Find substring
i = ki = 0
while(i < len(text)):
# Visaul logging to see how it works
# print "\nLooking at with ki="+ki, "and i="+i
# print " "*(i-ki) + sliceAt(key, ki)
# print sliceAt(text, i)
if key[ki] == text[i]:
i += 1
ki += 1
if ki == len(key):
return True
if ki > 0:
ki = table[ki]
i += 1
return False
def timing(f):
def wrap(*args):
time1 = time.time()
ret = f(*args)
time2 = time.time()
print '%s function took %0.3f ms' % (f.func_name, (time2 - time1) * 1000.0) # + " for", args
return ret
return wrap
key_list = ['power', 'house', 'waterloo', 'erhou', 'a', 'h', 'water', 'r' * 15, 'comp', 'science', 'x' * 15, 'xxxscienceyyy', 'abcdabc', 'abcabcbabcbabcba', 'these', 'words', 'to', 'test', 'poop']
text_list = ['waterloo is a computer science powerhouse', "rrrrrrrrrr xxxxxxxxx rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "you abcdabx or helabcdabclo",
"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "*600, "abcdab"*100 + "a"]
func_list = map(timing, [hasSubstring1, hasSubstring2, hasSubstring3, hasSubstring4, kmp])
def testHarness():
for text in text_list:
print '.::|| text is', repr(text)
for func in func_list:
for key in key_list:
result = func(key, text)
expected = key in text
if result != expected:
print ">>>ERROR actual:%d expected:%d func:%s key:%r" % (result, expected, func.__name__, key)
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