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Created August 11, 2021 02:04
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GitHub Copilot Suggestion Examples
/* Input */
const recipes = [
name: 'Fried Chicken',
categories: ['chicken', 'meat']
name: 'Spinach Pasta',
categories: ['pasta', 'vegan']
name: 'Thai Curry with Chicken',
categories: ['chicken', 'thai', 'meat']
// returns an array of recipes with chicken
/* Input with Suggestion */
const recipes = [
name: 'Fried Chicken',
categories: ['chicken', 'meat']
name: 'Spinach Pasta',
categories: ['pasta', 'vegan']
name: 'Thai Curry with Chicken',
categories: ['chicken', 'thai', 'meat']
// returns an array of recipes with chicken
const chickenRecipes = recipes.filter(recipe => recipe.categories.includes('chicken'));
/* Input */
// returns a sorted array of objects based on date
/* Input with Suggestion */
// returns a sorted array of objects based on date
function sortByDate(array) {
/* Input */
function sortArrayByKey
/* Input with Suggestion */
function sortArrayByKey(array, key) {
return array.sort(function(a, b) {
var x = a[key]; var y = b[key];
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
/* Input */
import { getApolloClient } from 'lib/apollo-client';
import { QUERY_ALL_PAGES } from 'data/pages';
function getAllPAges() {
/* Input with Suggestion */
import { getApolloClient } from 'lib/apollo-client';
import { QUERY_ALL_PAGES } from 'data/pages';
function getAllPAges() {
return getApolloClient().query({
/* Input */
function sortArrayByKey
/* Synthesized Results */
Sythesizing 10/10 solutions (Duplicates hidden)
function sortArrayByKey(array, key) {
return array.sort(function(a, b) {
var x = a[key]; var y = b[key];
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
...9 more sortArrayByKey results
/* Input */
import { removeExtraSpaces } from './src/lib/until';
// test that extra spaces are removed
/* Synthesized Results */
Sythesizing 10/10 solutions (Duplicates hidden)
expect(removeExtraSpaces(' ')).toBe(' ');
expect(removeExtraSpaces(' a')).toBe(' a');
expect(removeExtraSpaces('a ')).toBe('a ');
expect(removeExtraSpaces('a b')).toBe('a b');
...9 more results
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