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timothyham /
Last active December 14, 2024 23:43
A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins

A Short IPv6 Guide for Home IPv4 Admins

This guide is for homelab admins who understand IPv4s well but find setting up IPv6 hard or annoying because things work differently. In some ways, managing an IPv6 network can be simpler than IPv4, one just needs to learn some new concepts and discard some old ones.

Let’s begin.

First of all, there are some concepts that one must unlearn from ipv4:

Concept 1

veekaybee /
Last active December 18, 2024 13:39
Normcore LLM Reads

Anti-hype LLM reading list

Goals: Add links that are reasonable and good explanations of how stuff works. No hype and no vendor content if possible. Practical first-hand accounts of models in prod eagerly sought.

Foundational Concepts

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 10 40 27 PM

Pre-Transformer Models

kconner / macOS
Last active December 4, 2024 11:15
macOS Internals

macOS Internals

Understand your Mac and iPhone more deeply by tracing the evolution of Mac OS X from prelease to Swift. John Siracusa delivers the details.

Starting Points

How to use this gist

You've got two main options:

cb372 /
Last active May 14, 2024 03:45
Category theory jargon cheat sheet

Category theory jargon cheat sheet

A primer/refresher on the category theory concepts that most commonly crop up in conversations about Scala or FP. (Because it's embarassing when I forget this stuff!)

I'll be assuming Scalaz imports in code samples, and some of the code may be pseudo-Scala.


A functor is something that supports map.

git rebase --interactive --autosquash \
$(git merge-base $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) master)
mikelehen / generate-pushid.js
Created February 11, 2015 17:34
JavaScript code for generating Firebase Push IDs
* Fancy ID generator that creates 20-character string identifiers with the following properties:
* 1. They're based on timestamp so that they sort *after* any existing ids.
* 2. They contain 72-bits of random data after the timestamp so that IDs won't collide with other clients' IDs.
* 3. They sort *lexicographically* (so the timestamp is converted to characters that will sort properly).
* 4. They're monotonically increasing. Even if you generate more than one in the same timestamp, the
* latter ones will sort after the former ones. We do this by using the previous random bits
* but "incrementing" them by 1 (only in the case of a timestamp collision).
kyleburton / bot-verbs.txt
Last active August 19, 2024 23:02
The list of 'bot-verbs' that we give to new team members.
* writing lines of code is one of the least valuable things I can do
* cultivate your impatience
* reject the status quo, unless we can re-derive it from first-principles
* engineers imprint on the first languages (techniuqes, frameworks or technology) that we find success with (unconsciously seen as caregivers, which we defend w/o always knowing why)
* we tend to overvalue the familiar/known; we tend to undervalue the unfamiliar/unknown, this interferes with our receptiveness to new ideas and personal growth
* we're 90% composed of bad habits; many of our best habits become bad as time passes; this allows us to filter for the fundamental; the great
* make doing the right thing easier than any other thing, or we will fail to achieve greatness, or break bad habits
* be conscious, be intentional
* "is this the highest we can aim?" (I prefer this over "is this the best we can do", the former is aspirational, the latter is judgemental)
chengyin / linkedout.js
Last active July 11, 2021 15:23
Unsubscribe all LinkedIn email in "one click". For an easier to use version, you can check out the bookmarklet:
// 1. Go to page
// 2. You may need to login
// 3. Open JS console
// ([How to?](
// 4. Copy the following code in and execute
// 5. No more emails
// Bookmarklet version:

Build your own private, encrypted, open-source Dropbox-esque sync folder


  • One or more clients running a UNIX-like OS. Examples are given for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, although all software components are available for other platforms as well (e.g. OS X). YMMV
  • A cheap Ubuntu 12.04 VPS with storage. I recommend Backupsy, they offer 250GB storage for $5/month. Ask Google for coupon codes.

Software components used:

  • Unison for file synchronization
  • EncFS for folder encryption
dustin / progress.go
Last active December 19, 2015 16:18
Uploading a ton of stuff to S3, I decided I wanted something that would take this boring *os.File and give me a progress indicator. Here's the thing I threw together. Sends this sort of thing to stdout ('\r'ing over itself every second): 10MB/72MB (14.6%)
package main
import (